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以国家安全为由 川普下令阻止北京中长石基收购StayNTouch

2020-03-07 18:10   美国新闻网   - 

美国中文网报道 川普总统周五下令阻止北京中长石基信息技术股份有限公司(Beijing Shiji Information Technology)对美国酒店软件公司StayNTouch的收购,称这家北京投资者可能会损害美国国家安全。

以国家安全为由 川普下令阻止北京中长石基收购StayNTouch_图1-3

川普的命令是在美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,CFIUS)进行审查之后发布的。CFIUS是一个跨部门委员会,其权力因2018年的法案而得到加强。CFIUS以国家安全为由,向总统建议是否应拒绝某些拟议的收购,以及是否应撤销已完成的收购。

On national security grounds, Donald Trump ordered that Beijing's Zhongchang Shiji not buy StayNTouch

President Donald Trump on Friday blocked a bid by Beijing Shiji Information Technology to buy U.S. hotel software company STAYNTOUCH, citing the Beijing investor as a potential threat to U.S. national security, china.com.cn reported.

According to The Washington Post, the Donald Trump government is concerned about Chinese companies gaining access to StayNTouch's hotel customer data, according to a written order from the president's office. The order requires Beijing Zhongchang Shiji Information Technology Co. , Ltd. to divest all its shares within 120 days. 

The rare order is another sign that the trump administration is stepping up scrutiny of China's economic influence on the United States. Congress has also taken a tougher stance, including passing legislation in 2018 that gives the executive branch new powers to deny foreign investment in American companies if it affects national security. 

In its order on Friday, Donald Trump said there was "credible evidence" that the Chinese company "May take actions that threaten the national security of the United States" . 

The document ordered the Chinese company to immediately block access to any of StayNTouch's hotel customer data.

Beijing Zhongchang Shiji Information Technology Co. , Ltd. , which provides software services to the hotel, food service, retail and entertainment industries, acquired StayNTouch in 2018. 

The company was "disappointed" by the White House order.

"We think President Donald Trump's decision is wrong. Beijing Zhongchang Shiji Information Technology Co. , Ltd. is not a threat to the security of the United States. The United States government has not fully explained to us the basis for its decision. In fact, Beijing Zhongchang Shiji Information Technology Co. , Ltd. does not have access to StayNTouch's customer data,"the company said in an email.

The company also said that, "We have made a number of important recommendations to allay any concerns that the US government may have, including further restricting access to customer data and appointing an independent monitor to ensure these protections. Unfortunately, these proposals were rejected,"

Donald Trump said after a review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, CFIUS. Cfius is an Interagency Committee whose powers have been strengthened by the 2018 Bill. CFIUS uses national security reasons to advise the president on whether to reject certain proposed acquisitions and whether to reverse completed acquisitions.


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