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2020-03-09 12:39  环球时报   - 


资料图:美国总统特朗普。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄







当地时间2月2日,美国民主党总统竞选人、前副总统拜登在艾奥瓦首府得梅因竞选造势。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄




Former trump advisers have been sent to spy on the Democratic Party, with former British agents involved

When the Democratic presidential nomination war was in full swing, the New York Times reported on the 7th that prince, the founder of Blackwater, who has a close relationship with the trump government, had infiltrated the Democratic Party campaign, the labor organization and other groups considered hostile to trump by recruiting former British and American agents to engage in secret intelligence gathering activities in recent years. An expert told the global times on August 8 that new revelations from the US media may cause more fermentation scandals, but the impact on Trump's election is limited.
The former "shadow consultant" of the US President hired spies to infiltrate
According to the New York Times, seden, a former British agent hired by Prince, instructed an undercover agent in 2017 to secretly record the local leaders of the American teachers' union with the intention of cracking down on the organization. In 2018, the agent used another pseudonym to infiltrate the representative campaign of democratic spanberg. Spanberg's campaign found the agent and fired her. According to the report, both operations were led by a conservative group called truth project, which used hidden cameras and microphones to spy on news agencies, Democratic politicians and liberal groups, including the New York Times and the Washington Post.
Prince has a relationship with trump administration officials and the president's family. According to information released by the US investigative news website "intercept", Prince is from a large family in Michigan and the brother of education minister Betsy DeVos. After Betsy married the successor of Amway group, the two families combined and became the main financier of radical right-wing groups and some Republican politicians. Prince and his family contributed to trump's and vice president Burns's election campaign. The former president of Blackwater has known Mr. Bannon, a former senior advisor to trump, for many years. Through Bannon, he became Trump's "shadow consultant" and participated in Trump's campaign all the way. Prior to trump's victory but not yet in office, Prince worked with former U.S. presidential national security assistant Flynn. In 2017, he met with white house and Pentagon officials and proposed a plan to privatize the war in Afghanistan using contractors instead of the US military. Prince also became a hunting friend with Trump's son. In addition, Prince's wife Stacey has a special relationship with the Mercer family, who helped trump win the election.
Leftist groups call for an investigation
It is not clear whether trump administration officials or presidential advisers have been involved in these espionage operations. According to the New York Times, akif, the head of truth engineering, declined to answer questions. However, he insisted that his organization was a "proud independent news agency" involved in dozens of investigations. He said many sources provided confidential documents to "truth project" and also wore hidden cameras to take pictures of corruption and misconduct by people involved. Prince, who is currently under investigation by the U.S. Department of justice, is accused of lying to the U.S. Congress in the "Russia gate" investigation.
After the report of the New York Times was published, some Internet users in the United States described Prince's actions with the words "shudder" and "Crazy". "All my paranoid fantasies turned out to be true!" said James Presley, editor of the American left-wing magazine Jacobin, in a statement released on the 7th by alliance development, an American left-wing non-profit organization, calling on the house of representatives to immediately investigate Prince's activities. Jamil Smith, senior author of Rolling Stone magazine, said Thursday that the whole incident was terrible corruption and intolerable. Mariana Williamson, a democratic politician and former presidential candidate, said the New York Times report was "disturbing.".
Influence trump campaign?
A number of US media think that the New York Times' disclosure is not surprising, but the media has not reported the relationship between Prince and "truth project" before. According to "Russia today" TV station reported on August 8, for anyone who knows "truth project", the activities of the organization are nothing new. The conservative group is known for secretly filming videos of mainstream media figures and people Sanders is waiting for. Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of international relations at the school of foreign affairs, said in an interview with the global times on August 8 that whether the content reported by the New York Times is true or not, the whole incident shows that the election in the United States is still a process full of dirty tricks such as splashing dirty water on each other. He said the revelations showed that some groups were extremely dissatisfied with trump, trying to weaken the momentum of Trump's re-election campaign, and the relevant reports may cause more scandals.
Following the "Super Tuesday", the Democratic Party will usher in another primary drama on the 10th. Former Vice President Biden and Senator Sanders will compete for Party delegates in six Midwestern states. The election results are likely to further clarify who will be the candidates for the Democratic presidential election. As the election day approaches, the "battlefields" of the two parties' struggle in the United States continue to expand. Will the coverage of the New York Times have an impact on Trump's election situation? In this regard, Li Haidong said that these revelations may have some impact on Trump's polls in the short term, but they are not decisive and to some extent not very important. He believes that Trump's election situation this year looks better than that in 2016, and the Democratic candidates, whether Biden or Sanders, are not strong candidates to beat trump.






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