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2020-03-09 12:39  中国新闻网   - 



资料图:美国民主党总统竞选人、佛蒙特州联邦参议员桑德斯。中新社记者 张蔚然 摄




  与沃伦有密切关系的一个组织“进步变革运动委员会”(The Progressive Change Campaign Committee),正在敦促其成员在密歇根州民主党初选中支持桑德斯。





US presidential election: can Sanders beat trump? Hillary said that

Recently, Sen. Sanders of Vermont, the US Democratic presidential candidate, is seeking the support of Warren, the former Democratic candidate, to try to reverse the decline behind rival and former Vice President Biden, Chinanet reported Thursday. However, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton believes Sanders is not the strongest candidate to defeat current president trump.
A few days before the primary in Michigan, Missouri and four other major states, Sanders highlighted on many political talk shows that his left-wing policy on a range of issues was consistent with Senator warren of Massachusetts. Warren announced his withdrawal from the election on the 5th.

Over the weekend, California Senator camara Harris announced that she would support Biden in winning the nomination. So far, a number of former contenders, including Minnesota Democratic Senator Crocker, former Indiana mayor Peter butigger and former New York Mayor Bloomberg, have announced their support for Biden.
"We want Warren's support, we want Warren's endorsement with millions of people," Sanders told CNN
"Senator Warren talked about the property tax, which I think is very important. We also have a property tax policy, which is slightly different from her property tax, but the same principle in the era of huge income and wealth inequality. " He added. "We have reached out, and we are seeking the support of Senator Warren's supporters to join us."
The progressive change campaign committee, an organization close to Warren, is urging its members to support Sanders in the Michigan Democratic primary.
The group has sent messages to nearly 16000 Michigan members, the report said. The group wants to see the primary campaign continue as much as possible to ensure that the two main candidates, sanders and Biden, can face current president trump in November after being fully tested by voters.

But former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Senator Sanders of Vermont "is not the strongest candidate to beat Donald Trump." "He is a professional politician," she told ABC
With regard to Biden, Hilary did not directly express her support for him, but expressed appreciation for the "alliance" he was building and the momentum generated since the "super Tuesday" victory.






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