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忧疫情 桑德斯和拜登取消在美俄亥俄州的初选造势

2020-03-11 13:33   美国新闻网   - 



资料图:美国民主党总统竞选人、佛蒙特州联邦参议员桑德斯。中新社记者 张蔚然 摄

  此前,俄亥俄州州长迈克·德万(Mike DeWine)在“推特”上宣布,该州确诊3例新冠肺炎病例,进入紧急状态。他还呼吁为保护人们采取行动。




Sanders and Biden cancel their primary campaign in Ohio

On the afternoon of the 10th local time, US Senator Sanders of Vermont announced that he would cancel the election rally in Cleveland, Ohio that night for fear of the new crown. Later, former US Vice President Joe Biden also announced the cancellation of the rally in the area. The state will hold its primary on March 17.
According to reports, Sanders's campaign said it would assess future events "on a case by case basis.". According to CNBC, the campaign teams of the two Democratic presidential candidates said they were cautious about holding large public gatherings after hearing the advice of public health officials.
Infographic: Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Sanders of Vermont. Photographed by Zhang Weiran, reporter of China News Agency
Earlier, novel coronavirus pneumonia was declared a state of emergency in Ohio by Mike DeWine, governor of Ohio, on twitter. The 3 confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia were confirmed in the state.  He also called for action to protect people.
"We have cancelled tonight's rally in Cleveland for public health and safety reasons," the Sanders campaign said in a statement. We have taken note of a public warning from Ohio State officials who have expressed concern about large indoor events during the outbreak. "
"Senator Sanders would like to express regret to the thousands of Ohio people who plan to attend tonight's event," the statement said
The Democratic Party is currently in the primary nomination for the presidential election. After Super Tuesday, the Democratic Party basically formed a confrontation between Biden and Sanders.


下一篇:美民主党初选预测:拜登拿下密歇根 桑德斯或遭挫




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