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美民主党初选预测:拜登拿下密歇根 桑德斯或遭挫

2020-03-11 13:33  中国新闻网   - 


资料图:当地时间2月2日,美国民主党总统竞选人、前副总统拜登在艾奥瓦首府得梅因竞选造势。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄




US Democratic primary forecast: Biden wins Michigan Sanders or loses

According to foreign media reports, a number of US media export polls show that former US Vice President Joe Biden is expected to win the Michigan primary and gain rich electoral votes. And that would be a major blow to his main rival, Senator Sanders of Vermont.
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Information chart: on February 2 local time, Biden, the former vice president and presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of the United States, campaigned in Des Moines, the capital of Iowa. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
CNN predicts Biden will win in Michigan. According to the report, according to the export polls, Biden is expected to rely on voters over 65, moderate voters, and black voters to win the primary in Michigan.
According to the analysis, Sanders is considered to have an advantage among the working class and young voters, which may let him win the Democratic nomination and make him the best candidate in the November general election against the current president trump. However, Biden's victory may cause a great blow to him.
The Democratic Party is currently in the primary nomination for the presidential election. After Super Tuesday, the Democratic Party basically formed a confrontation between Biden and Sanders.


上一篇:忧疫情 桑德斯和拜登取消在美俄亥俄州的初选造势




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