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2020-03-14 14:49  中国新闻网   - 







  公主邮轮隶属于美国休闲旅游公司嘉年华邮轮集团(NYSE: CCL)旗下邮轮品牌。官网资料显示,公主邮轮旗下目前共有18艘邮轮,分为帝王级、钻石级、超至尊级、至尊级、珊瑚级、太阳级、探索级等7个级别。




Princess Cruise: 2042 people have disembarked

On the afternoon of March 12, Western time, the princess cruise confirmed that as of 11:40 a.m. on that day, 2042 people had disembarked from the ship and the crew's isolation plan was still under arrangement.
There are 2422 guests and 1111 crew members from 54 countries on the supreme princess, a total of 3533. By the morning of March 12, nearly two-thirds of the people had disembarked.
According to the instructions of state and local authorities, guests will disembark in the order of priority. Local officials expect it to take three days to disembark. As part of the disembarkation process, the California human health services team has boarded the princess supreme to assist with medical examinations and interviews, and to prioritize those in greatest need of medical care.
On March 6, the first phase of Princess Cruises carried out a health examination on 45 guests and crew members of the "supreme Princess". 21 of the samples monitored showed positive for the new coronavirus, including 2 guests and 19 crew members. At that time, the supreme princess was about 50 miles off the coast of San Francisco.
On March 9, the "supreme Princess" ended several days of sea rafting and docked at the port of Auckland, California.
According to the associated press, U.S. passengers on the cruise will fly or bus from airports and military bases near the port to bases in California, Texas and Georgia for inspection and 14 days of quarantine. After disembarking, foreigners will be sent home immediately. California governor Gavin Newson has said more than 1100 crew members will be quarantined and treated on board, including 19 crew members who have been diagnosed with the infection.
Princess Cruise belongs to Carnival Cruise group (NYSE: CCL), an American leisure tourism company. According to the official website, there are 18 cruises under Princess Cruises, which are divided into seven levels: Imperial, diamond, super supreme, supreme, coral, sun and exploration.
Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, the Diamond Princess and Princess of supreme importance, which are widely recognized by passengers for the infection of new crown virus pneumonia, are all cruise ships under the princess cruise. Among them, "Diamond Princess" is a "Diamond class" cruise ship, which can carry 2670 passengers and more than 700 balcony rooms; and "supreme Princess" is a "supreme class" cruise ship under the princess cruise ship, which is lower than "Diamond Princess", which can carry 2600 passengers and more than 700 balcony rooms.
Before opening on the morning of March 12, Princess cruise also announced that it would voluntarily suspend the global operation of its 18 cruise ships for two months (60 days), which will affect the voyage leaving from March 12 to May 10, and it plans to resume operation from May 11.
By the end of the day, Carnival Cruise group was down 31.17% to $14.97.


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下一篇:美新冠疫情蔓延 路易斯安那州宣布总统初选延期




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