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美新冠疫情蔓延 路易斯安那州宣布总统初选延期

2020-03-14 14:49   美国新闻网   - 


当地时间3月3日,美国总统初选迎来“超级星期二”。图为当天在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的一处投票点。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄

  据路透社报道,路易斯安那州表示,由于新冠疫情蔓延,将重新安排投票日程。该州州务卿凯尔•阿多(Kyle Ardoin)在记者会上说,总统初选原定4月4日举行,如今将推迟至6月20日,“以为路易斯安那州选民与选务官员的健康与安全提供最佳保护”。





Louisiana announced the postponement of the presidential primary

Louisiana, the first state to extend its presidential primary to June 20, has been affected by the outbreak, the Central News Agency reported. Four states, which will hold primary elections next week, issued a joint statement saying the elections will be held as planned.
On March 3 local time, the US presidential primary ushered in "Super Tuesday". The picture shows a polling place in Arlington, Virginia that day. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
Louisiana said it would reschedule its vote due to the spread of the new crown, Reuters reported. Kyle Ardoin, the State Secretary of state, said in a press conference that the presidential primaries, originally scheduled for April 4, will now be postponed to June 20 "to provide the best protection for the health and safety of Louisiana voters and election officials.".
Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Ohio will hold primary elections on March 17, and the four States issued a joint statement saying they will continue to hold elections and take measures to ensure public safety.
"Americans have also participated in elections in difficult times in the past, and based on the information we have received from public health officials, we are confident that voters will be able to vote safely in elections," said election officials in the four states
Reuters analysis said the Louisiana move could cause problems for Democrats. All along, the Democratic Party has demanded that all primary elections be held before the beginning of June, otherwise it may lose the party's vote to participate in the Party Congress in July.  Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden also urged states to hold primary elections as planned.
In the United States, 2204 new coronavirus positive cases have been detected and 49 people have died. President trump announced Monday that the United States is in a state of national emergency.


下一篇:众议院通过应对新冠病毒法案 以确保带薪休假及免费病毒检测




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