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美国新冠肺炎病例累计达2795例 两州宣布推迟初选

2020-03-15 19:09  中国新闻网   - 






2795 cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia in the United States, two states announced the delay in the primary election

Novel coronavirus pneumonia cases in the United States are reported in the United States, according to the CNN (CNN). According to data from national and local health institutions, the government and the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, 57 people died in the United States. 2795 cases of new crown pneumonia were reported in the United States.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, 70 cases have come from citizens who have withdrawn from overseas.  According to CNN health, there are 2725 cases in the United States.
Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the only state in West Virginia that has not reported a case of new crown pneumonia.
For fear of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, Georgia will postpone the Democratic primary election scheduled for March 24th until May 19th.
Georgia is the second state to delay the primary, which Louisiana announced on the 13th.


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