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2020-03-16 21:36  中国新闻网   - 



资料图:美国民主党总统竞选人、前副总统拜登。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄












The 11th debate among US Democratic candidates: Biden Sanders on epidemic prevention and control strategy

The 11th debate among US Democratic presidential candidates was held in Washington on the 15th. After more than 20 State primaries, the debate entered a new stage of one-on-one battle between former Vice President Biden and Senator Sanders.
The pattern of competition within the Democratic Party has changed dramatically in the past three weeks. In the last debate, there were seven people left, and Sanders led the way in the early primaries. The debate that night became a contest between two veteran politicians who were over 70 years old, while Biden's election came later with a solid lead.
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Infographic: US Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Biden. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
The novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic that has continued to spread in the United States has become the core issue of that night. In the first 40 minutes, the topics were all around the epidemic prevention and control policies, and the debate ended with the campaign's epidemic prevention and control measures.
As of 15 novel coronavirus pneumonia, 3244 cases were diagnosed and 62 died. Affected by the epidemic, the debate on that day was held in the studio of the TV station instead, without the on-site audience. According to the principle of epidemic prevention and control, the two debate platforms are 6 feet (about 1.82 meters) apart. Biden and Sanders did not shake hands before the debate.
Both criticized the trump administration's response to the epidemic and said more comprehensive measures should be taken to contain the epidemic and prevent economic stall.
"We are in a crisis, fighting the virus." Biden pointed out that every resource of the government should be used to reduce the short-term damage caused by the epidemic. He made it clear that he supported sending troops to participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic, which could rapidly improve the prevention and control capability of the United States.
Sanders, on the other hand, focuses on the medical needs of the American people. He stressed that the government should take active measures to meet people's needs for detection and treatment of new coronavirus without worrying about medical costs. Sanders also pointed out that the United States may not lack money or medical technology, but the medical staff is in short supply. If confirmed cases rise, the entire medical system will be under pressure.
Biden and Sanders also said that the United States should strengthen cooperation with who and other countries to jointly address the epidemic challenge. "If there's a moment when the world has to come together and support each other, it's now," Sanders said
The debate that night also covered immigration, climate change, foreign policy and so on. When it comes to protecting women's rights, Biden said he would choose a female running mate as a vice presidential candidate. Sanders later said he might choose a "progressive" female running mate.
According to the current primary vote, Biden and Sanders are clearly divided. Sanders has a large Hispanic constituency, while Biden has a high turnout among white and African voters. When asked how to make up for their own electoral weaknesses, the two turned to each other.
Sanders questioned that the former vice president could not win the support of young people and "grassroots" groups, which were the key to beating trump in the general election. Biden replied that the results of the primary so far showed that people realized that he was the one who "knew what to do".
Biden has won 15 of the 23 states that have completed the primary count, ahead of Sanders. But Sanders has recently publicly expressed a "no drop out" stance.
Two days later, Florida, Illinois, Arizona and Ohio will hold primary ballots and the last debate before the Democratic National Convention in April. Without the applause of the audience and the rallies, the campaign road of "cooling down" of the epidemic will further test the concept expression and policy details of the candidates. (end)


上一篇:美国新冠肺炎病例累计达2795例 两州宣布推迟初选




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