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2020-03-18 15:37  中国新闻网   - 


资料图:美国民主党总统竞选人、前副总统拜登。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄




The US Democratic Party has won the nomination? Biden primary "another two cities"

Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden won the Illinois primary Monday after his Democratic opponent Sanders won the Florida primary, the world daily reported. However, novel coronavirus pneumonia was closed in some primary polls in the Iran primary elections.
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Infographic: US Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Biden. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
According to reports, Biden's victory over rival Sanders in the Democratic primary in Florida on the 17th is further from winning the party's presidential nomination. After 60% of the vote, Biden won Sanders by 38% and declared victory. With 219 party delegates in Florida, Biden was about 150 ahead of Sanders.
Florida, Illinois and Arizona held their primaries on the same day. Ohio, which also held the primaries on the 17th, announced the postponement the day before the election due to a worrying epidemic.
The U.S. presidential election in 2020 is currently in the primary stage of the party. For Democrats, Sanders did well at the start, but Biden came from behind. According to the current primary vote, Biden and Sanders are clearly divided. Sanders has a large Hispanic constituency, while Biden has a high turnout among white and African voters.






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