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美第三轮紧急经济计划参议院遇阻 规模超1.8万亿美元

2020-03-23 10:44  中国新闻网   - 


资料图:美国国会山。中新社记者 沙晗汀 摄




The US third round of emergency economic plan is blocked in the Senate by more than US $1.8 trillion

According to US media reports, the third round of emergency economic assistance plan proposed by the US Republican Party was blocked Tuesday because it failed to get enough votes in the Senate.
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Infographic: Capitol Hill. Photographed by Sha Hanting, reporter of China News Agency
According to US media, the scale of the emergency plan is more than $1.8 trillion, including cash distribution to us taxpayers, emergency assistance to enterprises, etc.
Hours before the deadlock, Democratic leaders warned that the bill was not in line with their wishes, but Republicans still insisted on pushing for a procedural vote.
Nevertheless, President trump is optimistic that an agreement will be reached. "I think it will be successful," trump said at a press conference of the new coronavirus task force shortly after the vote.


上一篇:《华邮》曝情报界早就警告病毒 川普持续忽略




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