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2020-03-23 10:45  中国新闻网   - 


资料图:受新冠肺炎疫情影响,当地时间3月21日,美国纽约时代广场一位行人防护严密。 中新社记者 廖攀 摄


  州长霍科姆(Eric Holcomb)说:“出于对公民权利与选举工作人员和选民的健康考虑,我们要保护民众的健康,延后初选是正确的选择。”




Seventh States! Indiana delayed primary election due to the outbreak

The US governor of Indiana has signed an executive order to postpone the primary election scheduled for May 5 to June 2, making Indiana the seventh state to postpone the primary election due to the impact of the epidemic, the world daily reported Monday.
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Data: a novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic occurred in New York, March 21st. A pedestrian protection system was strictly maintained in Times Square. Photographed by Liao pan, reporter of China News Agency
The governor's office said the postponement of the primary was supported by the Secretary of state and the chairman of the state bipartisan committee, who asked the state electoral commission to allow voters to choose to vote by mail, county electoral officers to send ballots 12 days before the primary, to stipulate that ballots sent on May 5 are valid, to allow medical staff to vote for patients in nursing homes and hospitals, and to allow family members to transmit absentee ballots 。
"We want to protect the health of the people because of civil rights and the health of election workers and voters," governor Eric Holcomb said
The chairman of the state Democratic Party said that it is the safest choice to complete the primary election mainly by mail, and the Democrats will promote the vote by mail. The postponement of the primary is to expand voters' voting rights, and all voters are expected to vote by mail as much as possible before June 2.
At present, in order to prevent the new crown from endangering the safety of voters, six states, namely, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland and Ohio, have announced postponement of the primary election. Arizona, Florida and Illinois did not delay the primary, but the voters took safety measures to protect the health of voters and staff.
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggested Friday that groups and individuals should cancel or postpone the gathering of more than 50 people in the next 8 weeks. Currently, the US novel coronavirus pneumonia confirmed cases have exceeded 23 thousand cases.


上一篇:美第三轮紧急经济计划参议院遇阻 规模超1.8万亿美元




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