周一,亚利桑那州州长杜格·杜西(Doug Ducey)与其他几位美国国家领导人一起在冠状病毒大流行期间颁布了“在家呆”令。
在一次新闻发布会上,杜西下令全州所有居民下个月呆在家里,以抵抗迅速传播的COVID-19,该病毒已在亚利桑那州感染了1000多人。“ 保持在家,保持健康,保持联系 ”的行政命令将从当地时间星期二下午5点开始生效,直到至少4月30日为止。结束日期可能会延长。
杜塞说:“我们的订单采用亚利桑那州独特的方法。” “这是一种整体,整体的方法,将所有公共卫生置于优先地位,着重于留在家中以减缓传播,保持健康活跃,保持联系以提供我们急需的支持,以便我们在前所未有的时代相互提供帮助。”
杜塞(Ducey)因允许美甲沙龙,高尔夫球场和其他此类企业在该州的基本服务清单下经营而受到批评,包括亚利桑那州凤凰城市市长凯特加勒戈(Kate Gallego)的批评。加勒戈在周一发推文说:“如果他不缩小'基本'服务的清单,这个命令是不够的。#COVID19期间的基本服务不是高尔夫和美容院。它们是第一响应者,杂货店,药剂师和其他几个人。”
弗吉尼亚州州长拉尔夫·诺瑟姆(Ralph Northam),马里兰州州长拉里·霍根(Larry Hogan)和华盛顿市市长穆里尔·鲍泽(Muriel Bowser)敦促其公民不要离开房屋,除了诸如购买食品杂货或参观药店之类的基本活动外。
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Monday joined several other U.S. state leaders in enacting a stay-at-home order amid the coronavirus pandemic.
During a press conference, Ducey ordered all residents statewide to stay home over the next month to combat the rapid spread of COVID-19, which has infected over 1,000 people in Arizona. The "Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected" executive order will be in effect from 5 p.m. local time Tuesday until at least April 30. The end date may be extended.
"Our order takes a uniquely Arizona approach," Ducey said. "It's a whole, holistic approach that prioritizes all of public health, placing a focus on staying home to slow the spread, staying healthy and active, and staying connected to provide the much needed support we can provide one another in these unprecedented times."
Ducey clarified that residents can still take walks outdoors as long as they practice social distancing from others. "We do not want people to feel trapped or isolated in their homes. The weather is beautiful right now. Find ways to get out and enjoy it—with physical distancing," he said, adding that grocery and drug stores will remain open during this period.
Ducey has faced criticism—including from Phoenix, Arizona, Mayor Kate Gallego—for allowing nail salons, golf courses and other such businesses to operate under the state's list of essential services. "This order is insufficient if he does not narrow his list of 'essential' services. Essential services during #COVID19 are not golf and beauty salons. They are first responders, grocers, pharmacists, and few others," Gallego tweeted on Monday.
On Monday morning, the Arizona Department of Health Services reported that the number of positive COVID-19 cases in the state had increased to 1,157, with 20 deaths caused by the novel virus.
State leaders in Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C., also issued stay-at-home orders for their residents on Monday after the U.S. saw a sharp increase in deaths related to COVID-19 over the weekend.
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser urged their citizens to refrain from leaving the house, except for essential activities, such as buying groceries or visiting the drug store.
"Unfortunately we are only at the beginning of this crisis, and it will get considerably worse before it gets better," Hogan said, adding that the Maryland statewide order will go into effect at 8 p.m. local time on Monday.
"I want to be clear: Do not go out unless you need to go out. This is very different than wanting to go out," Northam said.
Global coronavirus cases exceeded 780,000 on Monday afternoon, with over 37,000 deaths and and 164,000 recoveries worldwide.
The U.S. now leads the world in the highest number of positive COVID-19 cases, with those who have tested positive surpassing 160,000 on Monday.