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2023-04-23 03:56  美国新闻网  -  393828

欧洲华文电视台记者报道 4月21日,以浙江省人民政府外事办公室一级巡视员彭波先生为代表的访问团到达意大利罗马,对意大利的华人华侨进行友好访问。佛罗伦萨华人华侨联合总会,意大利佛罗伦萨华人华侨商贸联谊会,意大利中意青年联合会,意大利中华炎黄文化研究会,佛罗伦萨华人华侨妇女联谊会以及意大利中部文成同乡会联合举办欢迎会议,中国驻佛罗伦萨总领事馆官员、意大利各地侨领、华人华侨、媒体代表等150余人出席欢迎会议。
On April 21, the delegation, represented by Mr. Peng Bo, first-class Inspector of the Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government, arrived in Rome, Italy, and paid a friendly visit to overseas Chinese in Italy. Florence Overseas Chinese Association, Florence Overseas Chinese Business Association, Italian Italian Youth Federation, Italian Chinese Yanhuang Cultural Research Association, Florence Overseas Chinese Women's Association and Wencheng Association of Central Italy jointly held the welcome meeting. More than 150 people attended the welcoming meeting, including officials from the Chinese Consulate General in Florence, overseas Chinese from all over Italy, and representatives of the Chinese media.
The meeting was presided over by the Secretary-General of the Federation of Chinese and Overseas Chinese in Florence, who extended a warm welcome to the delegation.
Consul General Wang Wengang of the Chinese Consulate General in Florence delivered a speech.Zhejiang Province is a major province of foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs in China. It is also a major province of economy, with its GDP accounting for the fourth place in China. Over the years, various cities in Zhejiang have also established many sister provinces and cities with our region, such as Florence and Ningbo, Prato and Wenzhou, Pisa and Hangzhou. Over the years, our cooperation has been deepening and our friendship has been renewed. We also hope that our overseas Chinese can continue to integrate harmoniously, live and work in peace and contentment and live a happy life. We have made unremitting efforts to deepen regional cooperation with China, promote China-Italy people-to-people friendship and promote high-quality development of the Belt and Road. Thank you!
Prato Chinese Overseas Chinese Association Huang Xiaolong delivered a speech.Overseas Chinese still maintain the traditional virtues of diligence, courage and self-improvement. After years of work hard to start a business and hard work, they actively integrate into the local society. Overseas Chinese will also build Prato into a world-famous Italian fast fashion clothing production base
Peng Bo, Inspector of Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government, delivered a speech.You can go back to Zhejiang more often, make more visits, and bring more Italian friends there to invest in Zhejiang. You can also guide Zhejiang's capital here for two-way investment
Chen Minqin, President of the Federation of Overseas Chinese in Florence delivered a welcoming speech.This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and Italy was the first European country to join the initiative. Following the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit over the past decade, the Belt and Road Initiative has become the largest and most popular public good in the world. It has brought opportunities for the development of countries along the Belt and Road, benefited people of all countries along the Belt and Road, and painted a better future for the world.The Chinese nation is a nation that values patriotism. A prosperous and strong motherland and a rich and beautiful hometown are the common wishes and benefits of every son and daughter of the Chinese nation. I believe that as long as everyone conscientiously does his or her part for the prosperity and rejuvenation of the nation, we will be able to gather the most powerful and majestic force, which will advance the process of Chinese modernization and help realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.






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