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2023-04-23 18:14  美国新闻网  -  531426

意大利中部浙江商会会长计结赢致欢迎词。首先代表意大利中部浙江商会向温州瓯雁足球队代表团及所有到场嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的问候,并向中国驻佛罗伦萨总领馆的领导长期以来对中部浙江商会的认可和支持表示感谢! 并祝愿小将们在今后的足球事业上赛出风格,赛出水平,为祖国争光!
意大利中意体育联合会会长金育松致贺词。真挚祝贺温州青少年足球队代表团取得两场胜利的好成绩,充分的展示出中华民族的优良风貌。并感谢当晚到场的领导和嘉宾的大力支持!  金育松会长高度赞扬了在比赛过程中,小队员们的出色表现和默契配合,并希望小将们在此次比赛中亲身体验足球的热情、享受足球的乐趣,在比赛中磨练意志和品质。
意大利国际青少年足球锦标赛组委会主席Umberto Mannella致辞。 感谢此次活动所有参与者的帮助,特别是卢荣毅先生的帮助,此次比赛有机会让大家聚集在一起,认识更多的朋友,互帮互助、携手同行。
Recently, the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Central Italy and the Italian Sports Federation warmly welcomed the Wenzhou youth football delegation to participate in and exchange with Italy at the Flin Hotel in Florence. Zhou Hand-miao, Director of the Consular Affairs Department of the Chinese Consulate General in Florence, and representatives of overseas Chinese communities in the Central region of Italy visited the young football players and coaches and extended warm congratulations to them on their achievements in Italy.
Ji Jieying, President of Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Central Italy, delivered a welcoming speech. First of all, on behalf of Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Central Italy, I would like to extend warm welcome and sincere greetings to the Wenzhou Ou Yan Football team delegation and all the guests present, and express my gratitude to the leaders of the Chinese Consulate General in Florence for their long-term recognition and support to Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Central Italy! And wish the young players in the future football career of the style, the level of the game, win glory for the motherland!
Jin Yusong, President of Italian Sports Federation, delivered a congratulatory message. I sincerely congratulate the Wenzhou youth football team delegation for winning two games and fully displaying the fine features of the Chinese nation. And thank the leaders and guests on the scene for their great support! President Jin Yusong spoke highly of the excellent performance and tacit cooperation of the young players in the game, and hoped that the young players could experience the passion of football in this game, enjoy the fun of football, and hone their will and quality in the game.
Zhou Hand-miao, Director of Consular Affairs of the Chinese Consulate General in Florence delivered a speech. I praised the young athletes for their participation and tenacious fighting spirit, emphasized the importance of the participation experience, and congratulated the children for their achievements in the competition in Italy. I hope the children will achieve a good harvest in their study and football skills in the future, and also wished all the guests good health and smooth work.
Lu Rongyi, president of Milan SESTO Football Club, delivered a speech. Thanks to many local Chinese communities and the motherland for their care and support for football. To achieve good results and enter the competition exchange, we cannot do without the attention and support of all sectors of society. President Lu Rongyi hopes that one day, Chinese football will have a place on the world stage.
Wang Qi, Vice President of Wenzhou Football Association and founder of Wenzhou Ou Yan Football Club, delivered a speech. I think the experience of this competition will inspire the children for a lifetime. And I hope that more overseas Chinese children can join the Wenzhou team in the future, and become the real sense of "Wenzhou people" or "world Chinese" football team, so that the world can see a different China.
Umberto Mannella, President of the Organizing Committee of the International Youth Football Championship of Italy, delivered a speech. I would like to thank all the participants for their help, especially Mr. Lu Rongyi. This competition is an opportunity for everyone to get together, make more friends, help each other and walk hand in hand.
It is reported that there are 15 young players of Wenzhou Ou Yan Youth team, all of whom are 11 years old. It is also the first time for Wenzhou to participate in the international youth football tournament on behalf of the Chinese youth football team.






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