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2023-03-13 10:55 -ABC  -  377206


“按照这个选区的设计方式,这本来应该是共和党候选人的一大优势,”前州参议员唐·科勒姆(Don Coram)说,他在去年6月的共和党初选中未能成功挑战伯特。


美联社VoteCast显示,作为忠实的共和党人,他们中的大多数人支持2022年的共和党候选人。然而,广泛的全国调查发现,这些共和党人在众议院选举中选择不支持候选人的人中占了更大的比例。他们中的一小部分人第二次表示反对特朗普,支持民主党人乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在2020年竞选总统,并在2022年支持民主党众议院候选人。








例如,在俄亥俄州和乔治亚州,两位州长的表现超过了特朗普支持的共和党参议员候选人。DeWine比赢得一个开放席位的JD Vance多获得近39万张选票,Kemp在大选中比Herschel Walker多获得20多万张选票,Herschel Walker在后来的决胜选举中未能击败民主党在任者。



坚决反对特朗普的保守团体林肯计划(Lincoln Project)在选举中瞄准了这个投票集团。联合创始人里克·威尔逊(Rick Wilson)表示,对于选举亲民主、反极端主义的候选人来说,这是一条“狭窄但有意义的道路”,他认为自2020年以来,由于最高法院决定推翻罗伊诉韦德案,这条道路已经扩大。






11月,当时的州参议员Jen Kiggans在弗吉尼亚州弗吉尼亚海滩中心的一个选区击败了连任两届的民主党众议员Elaine Luria,两年前,一名民主党总统候选人自1964年以来首次赢得了该市。基根斯在共和党初选中击败了自称的“MAGA候选人”,竞选活动人员指出基根斯是一名“训练有素”的候选人,专注于餐桌问题。

她的信息还将卢里亚与拜登和当时的众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi,D-California)联系在一起,因为卢里亚本人在众议院委员会调查2021年1月6日美国国会大厦起义的过程中发挥了作用,并称基甘斯是选举否认者。基甘斯回避明确重复特朗普关于2020年总统选举被盗的虚假说法,但她拒绝公开拒绝这些说法。


回到科罗拉多州,58岁的卡伦·戴维斯(Karen Davis)一生都是共和党人,直到几年前,由于该党(尤其是极右翼)的“令人担忧”的言论,她改变了自己的选民登记。她说,她在2020年投票给拜登,更多的是投票“反对”特朗普。




Anti-Trump GOP voters mostly loyal in 2022, but not entirely

WASHINGTON --Rep. Lauren Boebert's grip on Colorado's 3rd Congressional District didn't seem in question heading into last year's midterms. But in the end, the congresswoman who gained a national reputation as a combative member of the “Make America Great Again” movement won reelection by just 564 votes.

“This was supposed to be a slam dunk for the Republican candidate, the way the district is designed," said Don Coram, a former state senator who unsuccessfully challenged Boebert in the GOP primary last June.

Boebert's near miss was emblematic of the difficulties Republicans confronted in 2022 and may face again in 2024. While former PresidentDonald Trumpholds a tight grasp on much of the GOP base, there is a notable minority of Republican voters who do not consider themselves MAGA members.

Most of them, as faithful Republicans, backed GOP candidates in 2022, AP VoteCast shows. Still, the extensive national survey finds these Republicans made up a larger percentage of those who opted not to support a candidate in House races. A sliver of them showed their opposition to Trump for a second time, backing Democrat Joe Biden for president in 2020 and Democratic House candidates in 2022.

In a political climate where competitiveelections are nationalized and decided by narrow margins, neither party can take these voters for granted.

Democrat Adam Frisch said he knew there was a “fairly unique” opening for a more conservative Democrat to connect with Colorado voters who did not like Boebert’s aggressive political style.

“I spent most of my time trying to convince people I was a safe enough choice, not just to leave the ballot blank ... but actually vote for a non-Republican for the first time ever or in a really long time,” said Frisch, who has already announced he will run again in 2024.

The findings suggest Democrats, too, may need to be wary of the messaging against “MAGA Republicans,” whom Biden hammered repeatedly before the November elections and is poised to do again in a 2024 campaign. Most of those who don't identify with the movement don’t seem to find that compelling. Voters who do may be eager to revert to a Republican candidate who represents their traditional conservative values.

Republican strategist Alex Conant suggested GOP candidates cannot count on these voters so long as Trump is involved in politics. But 2024 can be different.

“There’s no reason that the Republican nominee in 2024 can’t put together a coalition that includes Trump’s base and moderate Republicans and independents,” he said.

Conant and others pointed to examples of Republican governors — Ron DeSantis in Florida, Mike DeWine in Ohio and Brian Kemp in Georgia — who were able to do that in 2022.

In Ohio and Georgia, for example, the two governors outperformed Republican candidates for Senate who were endorsed by Trump. DeWine earned nearly 390,000 votes more than JD Vance, who won an open seat, and Kemp received 200,000-plus more votes in the general election than did Herschel Walker, who failed to unseat a Democratic incumbent in a later runoff.

According to VoteCast, 10% of Republican voters who don’t identify as “MAGA Republicans” voted for Democratic House candidates nationwide, compared with 2% of those who embrace that label.

Overall, 4% of Republicans backed Democratic candidates. That percentage swelled in competitive races for Senate and governor where far-right candidates were on the ballot, including as many as 13% of Republicans in Arizona, 16% in Colorado and 18% in Pennsylvania, and 11% in Michigan.

The Lincoln Project, a conservative group that staunchly opposes Trump, has targeted this voting bloc in elections. Co-founder Rick Wilson said it’s a “narrow pathway, but a meaningful one” to electing pro-democracy, anti-extremist candidates, one that he thinks has expanded since 2020 because of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Still, partisanship can be “sticky,” Wilson said, and traditional Republicans value checks and balances in Washington, driving disaffected conservative voters to support Republicans as an offset to Democrats.

VoteCast shows most Republicans voted for Republicans, even if they did so with reservations.

Republicans who don’t identify with the MAGA movement and decided to back Republican candidates mostly say they didn’t consider Trump, good or bad, when they voted. Only about half are positive in ratings of Trump himself, but most are favorable toward the party and say the GOP tends to try to do what’s right. About two-thirds of them say they voted to show opposition to Biden.

“They’re where I am ... what choice do we have?” said GOP strategist Rick Tyler. “There are many in the Republican Party who would love to not vote Republican, but they can’t vote Democrat because they don’t believe in where Democrats want to take the country.”

That may have helped some Republican candidates in Republican-leaning districts oust Democrats who were elected in the Trump era.

In November, then-state Sen. Jen Kiggans defeated two-term Democratic Rep. Elaine Luria in a district centered in Virginia Beach, Virginia, just two years after a Democratic presidential candidate carried the city for the first time since 1964. Kiggans overcame the self-proclaimed “MAGA candidate” in the Republican primary, and campaign operatives pointed to Kiggans as a “disciplined” candidate focused on kitchen table issues.

Her message also tied Luria to Biden and then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as Luria herself campaigned on her role on the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and called Kiggans an election denier. Kiggans shied away from explicitly repeating Trump's false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, but she refused to publicly reject them.

Non-MAGA Republicans are more likely than MAGA Republicans to say that Biden was legitimately elected president. They also are more likely to say they decided over the course of the campaign which candidate they would back, as compared with knowing all along.

Back in Colorado, Karen Davis, 58, was a lifelong Republican until a few years ago, when she changed her voter registration because of the “alarming” rhetoric of the party, particularly the far-right. Her vote for Biden in 2020 was more of a vote “against” Trump, she said.

And last year, she backed Frisch over Boebert.

“What’s really sad is you’re not excited about any of these candidates,” said Davis, who runs a flooring business in Grand Junction, Colorado, with her husband. “If the Republicans could get a candidate I was excited about, I would absolutely vote for them.”

To her, that’s “somebody who’s a fiscal conservative but a moderate in every other way,” Davis said. “They can’t win me back with Donald Trump.”


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