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2023-10-18 11:54 -ABC  -  292721

众议员吉姆·乔丹(Jim Jordan)在第一次竞选议长时失败了——这是本月早些时候凯文·麦卡锡被历史性驱逐后混乱的槌子争夺战中的最新一次。











但他必须与科罗拉多州的肯·巴克(Ken Buck)等成员竞争,他坚定地反对约旦,因为担心他不会支持乌克兰的资助,也因为他在抗议2020年选举结果中的作用。



“我认为这绝对给该机构和共和党人蒙上了一层阴影,”纽约众议员Nicole Malliotakis告诉美国广播公司新闻。












House speaker vote live updates: Next vote on Jim Jordan expected Wednesday

Rep. Jim Jordan lost his first bid for the speakership -- the latest in a chaotic battle for the gavel after the historic ouster of Kevin McCarthy earlier this month.

After two weeks of legislative paralysis, the House began voting Tuesday on the nomination of Jordan, aconservative firebrand, staunch Donald Trump loyalist and founding member of the House Freedom Caucus.

Jordan won an internal GOP contest for the nomination after House Majority Leader Steve Scalise bowed out of the race, but he faces an uphill battle in securing the 217 votes needed to win the gavel.

Next speaker vote expected Wednesday morning

The next speaker vote will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jordan said after he left a two-hour meeting in Whip Emmer's office.

He reiterated that he is not going to drop out of the speaker battle and emphasized that he had basically the same level of support as McCarthy on his first vote in January.

Jordan said he expects to gain support in a Wednesday morning vote, mentioning Florida Rep. Gus Bilirakis, who missed today's vote because of a family funeral. He didn’t address potential future defectors.

What Republicans are saying about Jordan's first-round loss

Emerging from the floor after Jordan's failed first vote, some Republicans expressed open frustration while others remained optimistic.

"We gotta wake up and stop this nonsense. There's real serious work to be done," Pennsylvania Rep. Dan Meuser said.

Meuser had "direct" and "strong" conversations with GOP colleagues after the vote to try to swing them, he said. "We've got to understand -- we've got to operate as a team, because if we don't, we will lose everything."

PHOTO: Rep. Jim Jordan interacts with fellow members as the House of Representatives prepares to vote on a new Speaker of the House at the Capitol Building, Oct. 17, 2023.

Win Mcnamee/Getty Images

Rep. Jim Jordan interacts with fellow members as the House of Representatives prepares to vote on a new Speaker of the House at the Capitol Building, Oct. 17, 2023.

But he has to contend with members such as Colorado's Ken Buck, who is staunchly anti-Jordan because of concerns he won't support Ukraine funding and because of his role in protesting the 2020 election results.

"I am not going to vote for Jim, I just think there's too much there at this point," Buck told ABC News. Buck said he feels so strongly "because I just don't think that we can win the presidential election if we have candidates and leaders in our party who won't admit that Donald Trump lost, who won't admit that the Republican Party wants to move forward."

Of course, Republicans such as Meuser and others argued that not voting in a speaker will also threaten GOP victories in the next election.

"I think it absolutely casts a bad cloud over the institution and Republicans," New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis told ABC News.

Still others, however, were more optimistic -- comparing this process to McCarthy's and using it to argue that Jordan is on track for success.

"Do you believe that at the end of the day, it's going to be Speaker Jordan?" ABC News Senior Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott asked Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett.

"I do," he replied.

GOP infighting continues

Jordan met with Scalise behind closed doors on Tuesday and asked for help to get the needed votes, a source told ABC News Senior Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott. The source says Scalise wouldn't commit to helping Jordan.

Scalise was the conference's first choice for speaker in an internal contest last week, as he defeated Jordan 113-99. But he dropped out days later, amid opposition from holdouts who were backing Jordan.

Of the 20 Republicans who voted against Jordan in the first round, seven voted for Scalise.

Scalise cast his vote for Jordan.

Jeffries urges GOP to join Dems in 'finding a bipartisan path forward'

ABC News asked House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries if he sees Republicans forging a way out of the speakership impasse today.

"It's not a complicated situation," Jeffries responded. "We just need traditional Republicans to break from the extremists and join us in finding a bipartisan path forward. We've said it over and over and over again. We are ready, willing and able to get together and reopen the House."






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