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2024-09-10 08:35 -ABC  -  181250







  它将在美国广播公司播出ABC新闻直播,流媒体平台Disney+和葫芦.ABC新闻直播可在Samsung TV+、Roku频道、亚马逊Fire TV设备、YouTube、Tubi和大多数其他流媒体平台上观看。观众还可以在智能手机或平板电脑上观看ABC应用程序上的辩论ABC.com和连接的设备。







  黄金时间的辩论前特别节目“白宫之争”将由首席全球事务记者和“本周”联合主播玛莎·拉达茨(Martha Raddatz)、首席华盛顿记者和“本周”联合主播乔纳森·卡尔(Jonathan Karl)、首席白宫记者玛丽·布鲁斯(Mary Bruce)和高级国会记者雷切尔·斯科特(Rachel Scott)主持。它将在美国东部时间晚上8点播出,并在ABC的平台上播放。




  这场辩论将持续90分钟,中间有两次广告插播。 两位就座的主持人将是唯一提问的人。 9月3日(星期二)进行了掷硬币的虚拟投票,以决定演讲台的位置和闭幕词的顺序;前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在掷硬币中获胜,并选择了陈述顺序。前总统将发表最后的闭幕词,副总统哈里斯选择了屏幕上右边的讲台位置(舞台左边)。 候选人将由主持人介绍。 候选人从舞台的相对两侧入场;将首先介绍现任政党。 没有开幕词;每位候选人的闭幕词为两分钟。 辩论期间,候选人将站在讲台后面。 舞台上不允许有道具或预先写好的笔记。 不会提前与竞选团队或候选人分享任何话题或问题。 候选人将得到一支笔,一张纸和一瓶水。 候选人将有两分钟的时间回答问题,两分钟的时间进行反驳,还有一分钟的时间进行跟进、澄清或回应。 候选人的麦克风将只对轮到其发言的候选人开放,当时间属于另一位候选人时,麦克风将被静音。 候选人不允许互相提问。 竞选工作人员不得在广告时间与候选人互动。 主持人将寻求执行时间协议,并确保文明讨论。 房间里不会有观众。

Harris-Trump ABC News presidential debate time, how to watch it live

  Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will soon face off in their first debate of the 2024 election Tuesday night, moderated by ABC News.

  With only weeks untilElectionDay, the debate is a crucial opportunity for both candidates to work to sway undecided voters inwhat's expected to be a close contestin November.

  The debate is a chance for Harris -- who became the Democratic candidate afterPresident Joe Biden left the racefollowing his lackluster June debate performance -- and Trump to explain their policies on key issues. It’s the first time the pair will meet in person.

  Here's what to know about the debate and how to tune in.

  How to watch or livestream the debate

  There are several ways to watch the ABC News presidential debate, which is being produced in conjunction with the ABC-owned Philadelphia news station WPVI-TV.

  It will air on ABC and stream onABC News Live,Disney+andHulu.ABC News Liveis available on Samsung TV+, The Roku Channel, Amazon Fire TV devices, YouTube, Tubi and most other streaming platforms. Viewers can also stream the debate on the ABC app on a smartphone or tablet, onABC.comand connected devices.

  Additionally, SiriusXM users can listen to the debate on Channel 370.

  ABC News Digital and 538 will live blog the latest from the debate stage as it happens and provide analysis, fact checks and coverage of the biggest takeaways from the night.

  When and where is the presidential debate?

  The debate will take place in Philadelphia at the National Constitution Center on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9 p.m. EDT.

  Who is moderating the ABC News presidential debate?

  "World News Tonight" anchor and managing editorDavid Muirand ABC News Live "Prime" anchor Linsey Davis will serve as moderators.

  The prime-time pre-debate special, "Race for the White House," will be anchored by chief global affairs correspondent and "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz, chief Washington correspondent and "This Week" co-anchor Jonathan Karl, chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce and senior congressional correspondent Rachel Scott. It will air at 8 p.m. EDT and stream on ABC's platforms.

  What are the ground rules?

  Both Harris and Trump accepted the debate rules, which include that their microphones will be muted when the time belongs to another candidate.

  The agreed-upon rules include:

  The debate will be 90 minutes with two commercial breaks. The two seated moderators will be the only people asking questions. A coin flip was held virtually on Tuesday, Sept. 3, to determine podium placement and order of closing statements; former President Donald Trump won the coin toss and chose to select the order of statements. The former president will offer the last closing statement, and Vice President Harris selected the right podium position on screen (stage left). Candidates will be introduced by the moderators. The candidates enter upon introduction from opposite sides of the stage; the incumbent party will be introduced first. No opening statements; closing statements will be two minutes per candidate. Candidates will stand behind podiums for the duration of the debate. Props or prewritten notes are not allowed onstage. No topics or questions will be shared in advance with campaigns or candidates. Candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water. Candidates will have two-minute answers to questions, two-minute rebuttals, and one extra minute for follow-ups, clarifications, or responses. Candidates’ microphones will be live only for the candidate whose turn it is to speak and muted when the time belongs to another candidate. Candidates will not be permitted to ask questions of each other. Campaign staff may not interact with candidates during commercial breaks. Moderators will seek to enforce timing agreements and ensure a civilized discussion. There will be no audience in the room.






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