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2022-11-03 10:07  -ABC   - 


该案件由Efrain Galicia和其他四名墨西哥裔抗议者针对特朗普及其安全负责人基思·席勒(Keith Schiller)提起,当时双方正在布朗克斯最高法院挑选陪审团,达成了一项保密协议。


PHOTO: In this Sept. 3, 2015, file photo, demonstrators stand outside of Trump Tower in New York to protest Donald Trump's candidacy for U.S. President.

In this Sept. 3, 2015, file photo, demonstrators stand outside of Trump Tower in New York to protest Donald Trump's candidacy for U.S. President.


原告律师本·迪克特(Ben Dictor)在对美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)的一份声明中表示,“被告正盯着布朗克斯陪审团的枪管,他们将获得支持原告主张的压倒性证据。”。“尽管如此,原告很自豪地解决了他们的索赔,并获得了唐纳德·特朗普对他们在公共人行道上抗议的权利的书面承认。有权有势的人可能会把自己的名字刻在建筑物上,但人行道永远属于人民。”








Donald Trump reaches settlement with protesters who allege they were assaulted by his security

Former PresidentDonald Trumpsettled a civil lawsuit Wednesday that alleged hissecurity guards violently assaulted protestersoutside Trump Tower in 2015.

The case, brought by Efrain Galicia and four other protesters of Mexican origin against Trump and his head of security, Keith Schiller, was in the middle of jury selection in Bronx Supreme Court when the parties came to a confidential agreement.

Video from the September 2015 rally appeared to show Schiller smacking Galicia in the face after he reached for a sign that said "Trump: Make America Racist Again."

"Defendants were staring down the barrel of a Bronx jury who were about to be presented with overwhelming evidence in support of plaintiffs’ claims," Ben Dictor, the plaintiffs' attorney, said in a statement to ABC News. "Nevertheless, plaintiffs are proud to have settled their claims and to have obtained written recognition by Donald Trump of their right to protest on the public sidewalk. Powerful men may put their names on buildings, but the sidewalk will always belong to the people."

The settlement was announced in a stipulation that said the two sides agreed the matter should be "discontinued in its entirety." The stipulation did not disclose terms.

"Although we were eager to proceed to trial to demonstrate the frivolousness of this case, the parties were ultimately able to come to an amicable resolution. We are very pleased with this outcome and are happy to finally put this matter to rest once and for all," Trump's attorney, Alina Habba, said.

A joint statement from Trump, signed by Habba on his behalf, and the plaintiffs, said, "The parties all agree that the plaintiffs in the action, and all people, have a right to engage in peaceful protest on public sidewalks."

Trump said Schiller "did nothing wrong" and called the protesters "troublemakers"during a depositionin October 2021.

"I think they were troublemakers, yes I do. I think they were," Trump said, according to a transcript.

The protesters said they were lawfully on the public sidewalk outside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan when they were "attacked and their property destroyed." Their lawsuit also alleged infringement on their free speech rights.

Two of the protesters wore Ku Klux Klan outfits to call attention to David Duke's endorsement of Trump's immigration policies during the campaign.






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