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2022-11-11 15:24  -ABC   - 

埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)周四在一次全体会议上告诉Twitter员工,他们需要全职回到办公室,或者“接受辞职”,可以听到他在ABC新闻独家获得的音频中说。







Twitter上周五开始裁员,将裁员约一半,该公司在一封电子邮件中宣布,美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)看到了这封邮件。



在集体诉讼中代表前Twitter员工的律师Shannon Liss-Riordan表示,她计划用马斯克的话来反对他。

“音频清楚地表明,马斯克在没有通知的情况下取消远程工作,是为了声称员工已经辞职,而事实上,他们已经被挤出来了,这样公司就可以试图避免WARN Act下的义务和关于遣散费的承诺,”利斯-赖尔丹告诉美国广播公司新闻。“这一新的荒谬举措只是马斯克提出的计划之一,旨在避免向被解雇的员工支付他们应得的工资。”


马斯克完成了收购Twitter的交易十月下旬。Twitter的一些高管被解雇,包括首席执行官帕拉格·阿格拉瓦尔(Parag Agrawal)、首席财务官奈德·西格尔(Ned Segal)、首席法律官维贾亚·加德(Vijaya Gadde)和总法律顾问萨姆·埃杰特(Sam Edgett)。

Exclusive audio: Elon Musk tells Twitter employees return to office or 'resignation accepted'

Elon Musk told Twitter staff during an all-hands meeting Thursday that they need to return to the office full-time, or "resignation accepted," he can be heard saying in audio obtained exclusively by ABC News.

"Let me be crystal clear, if people do not return to the office when they are able to return to the office -- they cannot remain at the company," Musk is heard in the audio telling an employee who asked about his new plans for a 40-hour workweek at the company during an all-hands company meeting. "End of story."

Audio excerpts from the meeting were obtained first by ABC News via a lawyer representing former Twitter employees in a lawsuit against the company. ABC News has verified the authenticity of the audio.

"Even if people returned to the office," a Twitter employee can be heard replying to Musk, "the offices are separate offices -- we won't be in person anyways."

"Yes," Musk responds on the audio. "But you can still maximize the amount of in-person activity." Musk continued throughout the meeting to compare the company to Tesla.

"Tesla is not one place either, but you know, it's basically if you can, if you can show up at an office and you do not show up at the office, resignation accepted -- end of story," Musk is heard saying.

"There are plenty of people at Tesla and SpaceX that do work remotely... but it is on an exception basis for exceptional people -- and I totally understand if that doesn't work for some people," Musk is also heard saying. "But that's the new philosophy for Twitter."

Twitter began layoffs on Friday that will cut roughly half of its workforce, the company announced in an email, which ABC News reviewed.

The lawsuit alleges that Twitter violated federal and California laws by not giving staff proper notice before termination. The lawsuit was amended this week to include Twitter's alleged unfair severance offers.

Twitter hasn’t responded to the lawsuit.

The attorney representing former Twitter employees in the class-action lawsuit, Shannon Liss-Riordan, said she plans to use Musk's words against him.

"The audio makes clear that Musk's elimination of remote work, with no notice, is an effort to claim employees have resigned when, in fact, they have been pushed out, so that the company can try to avoid obligations under the WARN Act and promises regarding severance," Liss-Riordan told ABC News. "This new ridiculous move is just one of the schemes Musk has come up with in an attempt to avoid paying laid off employees what they are owed."

Musk has implemented the same back-to-work policy at Tesla and SpaceX.Musk closed a deal to acquire Twitterin late October. Some of Twitter's top executives were fired, including CEO Parag Agrawal, chief financial officer Ned Segal, chief legal officer Vijaya Gadde and general counsel Sam Edgett.


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