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2022-11-14 11:22  -ABC   - 








否认竞选的宾夕法尼亚州州长候选人道格·马斯特里亚诺(Doug Mastriano)周日晚上正式向州司法部长、民主党人乔希·夏皮罗(Josh Shapiro)认输,结束了这一周这位州参议员对自己的失败保持沉默,但似乎从未准备好质疑选举结果,尽管此前曾对选举的诚信提出质疑。









科尔特斯·马斯托说,她以微弱优势战胜共和党人亚当·拉克萨尔特(Adam Laxalt),这位前州检察长和前参议员的儿子和孙子,不仅是关于她,也是关于该州人民、工人阶级家庭和拉丁美洲人,他们在她担任参议员期间一直支持她。



拉克萨特还没有发言或承认。他承认在社交媒体上随着计票工作的继续,Cortez Masto正在缩小他们之间的差距,并可能获胜。











Midterm election results live updates: Dems keep control of Senate with Nevada win

The 2022 midterm elections shaped up to be some of the most consequential in the nation's recent history, with control of Congress at stake.

All 435 seats in the House and 35 of 100 seats in the Senate were on the ballot, as well as several influential gubernatorial elections in battleground states like Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Democrats were defending their narrow majorities in both chambers and retained control of the Senate, though control of the House isn't yet clear. But a Republican flip of the lower chamber would be enough to curtail most of President Joe Biden's legislative agenda and would likely result in investigations against his administration and even his family.

Hobbs' campaign manager calls her 'the unequivocal favorite'

Katie Hobbs' campaign manager, Nicole DeMont, made the following statement after tonight's vote drop from Maricopa County appeared to fall short of Republican Kari Lake's hopes, not quite declaring victory for Hobbs but saying it's going that way.

"With the latest tabulation results from Maricopa, Pinal and Pima counties, Katie Hobbs is the unequivocal favorite to become the next governor of Arizona," she said. "Katie has led since the first round of ballots were counted, and after tonight’s results, it's clear that this won't change."

Hobbs, a Democrat, is leading Lake by about 26,011 votes in the yet-to-be-called race, according to unofficial county tallies so far. There are about 160,000 ballots left statewide.

Maricopa County dropped approximately 97,000 more ballots Sunday night, and Lake netted about 9,000 votes there. Just ahead of Maricopa, Pima County released another 12,000 votes, where Hobbs netted more votes. Pinal County also dropped 3,000 votes, giving Lake a slight boost.

-ABC News' Libby Cathey

Nov 13, 6:24 PM EST

Election-denying candidate Doug Mastriano fully concedes in Pennsylvania race

Doug Mastriano, the election-denying candidate for Pennsylvania governor, officially conceded Sunday night to Democrat Josh Shapiro, the state attorney general, capping a week in which the state senator was silent about his defeat but never seemed poised to challenge the results, despite previously casting doubt on the integrity of the election.

"Difficult to accept as the results are, there is no right course but to concede, which I do, and I look to the challenges ahead," Mastriano wrote in a statement. "Josh Shapiro will be our next governor, and I ask everyone to give him the opportunity to lead and pray that he leads well."

Mastriano, one of the proponents of baseless claims of 2020 election fraud, suggested multiple times in the weeks prior to Election Day that he questioned the methods by which votes were counted this year.

In his concession statement, he argued that "Pennsylvania is in great need of election reform."

-ABC News' Will McDuffie and Oren Oppenheim

Nov 13, 1:42 PM EST

Cortez Masto celebrates Nevada Senate win: 'I will always fight'

Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto took center stage on Sunday at the Carpenters International Training Center in Las Vegas to celebrate her victory in last week's election, which ensured Democrats will retain control of Congress.

“Thank you, Nevada. Thank you. I am so grateful to every volunteer who knocked on doors, who made phone calls, who wrote postcards and letters and who had the courage to publicly stand up and fight for our state,” she said.

“To all Nevadans, whether you voted for me or not, I will always fight for you always," she said.

Cortez Masto said her narrow win over Republican Adam Laxalt, a former state attorney general and son and grandson of former senators, was not just about her but the people of the state, working-class families and the Latinos who have continued to support her throughout her time as senator.

“Like all of you, I've never forgotten where I come from and where my family came from ... I will continue to fight for our Latino community,” she said.

More broadly, she said, "I cannot thank you enough for all of the time, commitment, effort -- everything that you put into this election. Now we celebrate, and let's continue the work.”

Laxalt has yet to speak or concede. He had acknowledged on social media that as vote-counting continued, Cortez Masto was narrowing the gap between them and could win.

-ABC News' Abby Cruz

Nov 13, 1:26 PM EST

House progressives speak out after midterm results

Washington Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal told reporters on Sunday that in the wake of her party's surprising midterm performance, in which they bucked history to limit their losses in the House, next year's Congress will see the "most progressive Democratic caucus in decades."

Jayapal, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), said at a news conference with newly elected lawmakers that her group will have 100-plus members come January.

She said that, despite the pattern of past cycles and the Biden White House's unpopularity, there was "no red wave" and a majority of the CPC-endorsed candidates won their races so far.

Jayapal wouldn't say if she'll support Speaker Nancy Pelosi if the California lawmaker runs again for leadership -- or if she herself will run for House leadership.

For the lame-duck session before the next Congress starts in January, Jayapal said her group's goals include raising the debt limit and reviving the child tax credit. She said CPC is holding an executive board meeting soon to lay out a plan.

Incoming Florida Rep. Maxwell Frost -- who will be the first Gen Z member of Congress -- said at the news conference that what young people care about is not "anything different than anyone else."

"The difference is the lens in which they see those same issues," he said.

Control of the House remained unprojected as of Sunday as vote-counting continues.






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