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2022-11-16 11:15  -ABC   - 


乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)的部队于8月开始进攻,他发誓要夺回所有被俄罗斯占领的领土。但普京在9月宣布动员预备役人员,预计将征召多达30万额外的部队。



在与七国集团和北约领导人就乌克兰问题举行会议后,美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)周二晚上表示,击中波兰的导弹“不太可能”是从俄罗斯发射的,但七国集团将支持对所发生事件的调查。
















白宫预算办公室主任沙兰达·扬(Shalanda Young)在一份声明中说,“在国会两党的大力支持下,我们一起提供了对乌克兰在战场上取得成功至关重要的重要援助,我们不能让这种支持干涸。”信向众议院议长南希·佩洛西提出拨款请求。

Russia-Ukraine live updates: Polish president says rocket may have been Russian-made

More than six months after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an invasion into neighboring Ukraine, the two countries are engaged in a struggle for control of areas throughout eastern and southern Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, whose forces began an offensive in August, has vowed to take back all Russian-occupied territory. But Putin in September announced a mobilization of reservists, which is expected to call up as many as 300,000 additional troops.

For previous coverage, pleaseclick here.

Biden says it's 'unlikely' missile that hit in Poland was fired from Russia

Following his meeting with leaders of the G-7 and NATO on Ukraine, President Joe Biden said Tuesday night that it's "unlikely" the missile that hit Poland was fired from Russia, but that the group would support the investigation into what happened.

When asked if it's too early to say whether the missile was fired by Russia, Biden responded: "There is preliminary information that contests that. I don't want to say that till we completely investigate, but it's unlikely in the minds of the trajectory that it was fired from Russia, but we will see."

"I'm going to make sure we find out exactly what happened," Biden said, and then determine the next steps, adding that there was "total unanimity" among leaders today on this decision.

The president added that recent Russian missile attacks were also a point of discussion this morning.

"They have been totally unconscionable, what they are doing, totally unconscionable," he said.

Polish president says rocket may have been Russian-made; investigation underway

Polish President Andrzej Duda said Tuesday night that a rocket that landed near the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing two Polish citizens, may have been Russian-made. Though he said that there is no conclusive evidence at this time of who launched the missile and that an investigation is underway.

Duda said he has also spoken with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and President Joe Biden.

Stoltenberg said earlier that NATO is monitoring the situation.

Biden speaks with Polish president, offers 'full US support'

President Joe Biden spoke by phone with Polish President Andrzej Duda and "expressed deep condolences for the loss of life in Eastern Poland," according to the White House.

Biden "offered full U.S support for and assistance with Poland's investigation" and the two agreed "they and their teams should remain in close touch to determine appropriate next steps as the investigation proceeds," the White House said.

Polish officials confirmed that two Polish citizens were killed in an explosion Tuesday in the area of Hrubieszów. They were the owner of a granary that was stuck and a tractor driver who was transferring corn to the facility, according to local officials.

Biden administration asks Congress for $37.7B for Ukraine

The White House said Tuesday it has asked Congress for $37.7 billion in additional funding for Ukraine.

The funding would include defense support and humanitarian assistance and be for the rest of the current fiscal year, which runs until Sep. 30, 2023, according to the White House.

"Together, with strong, bipartisan support in the Congress, we have provided significant assistance that has been critical to Ukraine’s success on the battlefield -- and we cannot let that support run dry," Shalanda Young, the head of the White House budget office, said in aletterto House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Tuesday on the funding request.






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