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2022-11-16 11:29  -ABC   - 



现在,佐治亚州决选的结果现任参议员Raphael Warnock和共和党人Herschel Walker将决定民主党人是否在参议院拥有一个席位——这将缓解民主党人对委员会和程序的控制,如确认法官,目前需要采取额外措施来克服50-50的分裂——或者这将是另一个依赖副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯打破平局投票的任期。







如果沃诺克赢得连任,这将使参议院多数党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)在失去西弗吉尼亚州参议员乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin)或亚利桑那州参议员克里斯滕·西内马(Kyrsten Sinema)的选票时具有灵活性,这两位中间派人士有时会扰乱民主党在上议院的议程。凭借完全的多数,而不是50-50的分裂,民主党将能够超越平等平衡的委员会,控制主要的小组,为该党通过立法铺平道路,并根据总统乔·拜登的提名采取行动。



“在某些情况下,有些参议员会在关键的立法上与共和党一起投票。随着赫歇尔·沃克(Herschel Walker)的胜利,民主党人获得了额外的选票缓冲,更有可能达成共识和妥协,”共和党策略师朱丽安·汤普森(Julianne Thompson)说。









“如果他当选,他肯定需要专注于他要做的事情。支持沃克的佐治亚州选民梅丽莎(Melissa)在接受美国广播公司(ABC News)采访时表示,与其抨击对手,开展任何类似的竞选活动,不如专注于他的计划是什么,他的政策会是什么,这样人们就可以知道他会做什么。





















前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)也对决选产生了重大影响,此前一些共和党人特别指责他在2020年大声宣称选举舞弊,导致共和党在2021年的决选中失去了两个佐治亚州参议院席位。


“你知道,我宁愿看到德桑蒂斯在这一点上。我爱川普。我欣赏他。但是我对他的到来有一些复杂的感觉。沃克的支持者史蒂夫·博伦(Steve Bolen)告诉美国广播公司新闻(ABC News),我绝对希望他等到选举结束后再宣布。“我认为那会转移注意力。我们必须把所有的注意力放在让赫歇尔当选上。”


“当然,特朗普总统曾说过,他会在11月15日,也就是下周二,发表声明。特朗普2016年和2020年竞选活动的前顾问杰森·米勒在Newsmax上说,“我建议总统推迟到佐治亚州竞选结束后。”。"当务之急A、B和C现在应该是关于赫歇尔(沃克). "

“法国总统。特朗普下周宣布竞选,参议员沃诺克为佐治亚州的决选筹集了两倍的资金,”特朗普政府前官员迈克尔·卡普托(Michael Caputo)在推特上写道。





Republicans, Democrats say Ga. runoff could still be key, even without a Senate majority on the line

Control of the Senatewill no longer hinge on Georgia.

Nevada incumbent Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto defeated Republican Adam Laxalt, giving Democrats at least 50 seats and control of theupper chamber.

Now,the results of Georgia's runoff electionbetween incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker will determine whether Democrats have a one-seat cushion in the Senate -- which would ease Democrats' control of committees and processes like confirming judges that currently require extra steps to overcome the 50-50 split -- or if it'll be another term of relying on Vice President Kamala Harris' tie-breaking vote.

Both sides of the aisle agree that Georgia's Senaterunoffstill remains important even if the majority no longer hangs in the balance.

"Congratulations to my colleagues, but our message is the same," Warnock said at campaign stop on Sunday.

"This election is about who's ready and who's fit to serve the people of Georgia in the United States Senate. It's a race about competence and about character and on both of those scores, there's a world of difference between me and Herschel Walker," he said. "And so I look forward to prosecuting that case over the next few weeks."

At a campaign stop in Peachtree City on Sunday, Walker made no mention of the balance of the Senate, focusing squarely on his battle against Warnock and his personal choice to launch a campaign.

"The Lord prepared me to get in his way right now because as I started looking, I said that I'm not -- I wasn't supposed to be running on no politics. You think that I wanted to be a senator? Guys, I was doing OK," he said. "I was doing alright but I said 'no, no, no, no, you're not gonna hurt my family.' And all of you are my family I don't care what color your skin is."

Democrats celebrated their victories over the weekend even though many quickly shifted back to emphasizing Georgia's runoff, highlighting the party's legislative struggles this term with a split chamber.

Should Warnock win reelection, it would offer Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., flexibility in the moments that he loses the votes of either Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., or Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., two centrists who have at times disrupted Democrats' agenda in the upper chamber. And with a full-fledged majority, rather than a 50-50 split, Democrats would be able to move beyond equally balanced committees and take control of major panels, smoothing the party's path to passing legislation and acting on President Joe Biden's nominees.

"We will still have a Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin problem. And if Democrats want to continue on our winning streak, we must deliver for Americans -- all Americans. We need Sen. Warnock in the senate," said Hillary Holley, executive director of Care in Action, a nonpartisan group advocating for domestic workers.

Republicans, meanwhile, are working to highlight how a divided Congress has at times worked to their advantage. Walker would only boost that advantage, they said.

"There are senators who have, in certain instances, voted with the GOP on key pieces of legislation. With a victory for Herschel Walker, it takes away that extra vote cushion from the Democrats and makes consensus building and compromise more likely," Republican strategist Julianne Thompson said.

Warnock, Walker's runoff campaigns take shape

Operatives are also cautioning voters not be complacent, reminding them of what happened last time Georgia's Senate race went into a runoff, in 2021 -- after the GOP candidates won in the first round -- and Republican voters were apathetic, leading to two flips.

"While the majority of the Senate is no longer in question, Georgia Republicans are still salty from losing the two U.S. Senate seats in 2021 and want to regain the seat," said Eric Tanenblatt, a former chief of staff to Republican Gov. Sonny Perdue.

Heading into another runoff, Warnock's campaign manager Quentin Fulks said the senator will continue to grow his coalition of support, touting Warnock's performance in urban and suburban counties where he performed better than Biden did in 2020.

"Reverend Warnock will win the runoff by continuing the strategic investments in paid communication and field organizing, continuing to hold the diverse coalition that has driven Reverend Warnock's success, and emphasizing that this race is about who is able to represent our state," Fulks said.

Warnock, on the campaign trail, has distanced himself from the national party, trying to emphasize bipartisanship instead. He often dodges questions about a possible Biden 2024 run, talks about working with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in his stump speeches and only appeared with a couple of surrogates on the campaign trail, mainly his Georgia counterpart Sen. Jon Ossoff.

On the other hand, Walker has garnered support from multiple leading Republican senators who have sought to make the case for a Republican majority, arguing that the road led through Georgia.

Though now unable to frame the election as a fight to retake control of the Senate, Walker will now have to focus on why he is the better person to represent Georgia as hispersonal historyremains at center stage.

PHOTO: Sen. Raphael Warnock gives a speech at his election night party, Nov. 8, 2022, in Atlanta. Herschel Walker, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, speaks at a campaign event, Nov. 6, 2022, in Hiram, Ga.

Sen. Raphael Warnock gives a speech at his election night party, Nov. 8, 2022, in Atlanta. Herschel Walker, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, speaks at a campaign event, Nov. 6, 2022, in Hiram, Ga.

Getty Images

"He definitely needs to focus on exactly what he's going to do if he gets elected. Instead of knocking the opponent, bringing any kind of campaign like that, focus on exactly what his plan is, what his policies would be so people can know what he would do," Melissa, a Georgia voter who supports Walker, told ABC News when asked how he could appeal to apprehensive Georgians.

Walker will also need to improve his performance in rural and urban communities. In last week's midterms, he underperformed compared to the rest of the Republican statewide ticket, drawing 200,000 fewer votes than Gov. Brian Kemp, according to the secretary of state's election results.

Kemp, who won reelection over Democrat Stacey Abrams, is lending his support to Walker's runoff bid. Kemp's ground data and analytics operation -- including paid door knocking, phones, modeling, absentee ballot program, and tracking -- will partner with the Mitch McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), which will fund the operation at a level of "over two million dollars," SLF spox Jack Pandol told ABC News.

Thoughrunoffshave become a well-known scenario for Georgia, candidates and voters will have to navigate new rules, questions around voter apathy and a political environment that could already be looking ahead to 2024.

New voting rules add a wrinkle

Both candidates kicked off their runoff campaigns on Thursday, hoping to sustain an energized base.

Standing in front of the John Lewis Mural, Warnock continued to frame his battle against Walker as one centered more around morality rather than policy.

"This is not a race about Democrat and Republican. It's not a race of right versus the left. Fundamentally, this is a race about right and wrong. Who's right for Georgia and who's clearly wrong for Georgia," he said.

"And when it comes to that, the choice could not be more clear between me and Herschel Walker. Some things in life are complicated. This ain't one of them," he said.

Walker started his runoff campaign before a crowd of thousands in Canton, where he was joined by Texas Sen. Cruz. He invoked his famed college and professional football career.

"We're in overtime, that means we got a runoff. Hey, I was built for this," he said to cheers. "He hung around and got into this runoff and he's thinking he's gonna win. We need to prove him wrong."

Both candidates will have to make the case to their base to turnout despite Senate control being decided, battling the Thanksgiving holiday in the middle of the runoff cycle. Warnock will also have to split his time between campaigning on the trail in Georgia and fulfilling his duties in Washington.

New voters won't be able to vote in the runoff; they must have registered by Nov. 7.

In 2020, thousands of voters were able to register for the runoff after the general election, leading to a surge in voters who didn't vote in November but turned out for Democrats the following January. (State Republicans subsequently changed the rules for runoff elections, including by shortening the window when one is scheduled after a general election.)

Walker already stumbled on the voting rules while speaking with voters Sunday.

"I want you to go out and -- because you can only vote if you voted in the last time, that's what they told me. So I want you, if you voted last time, go vote for me again," Walker said.

The shorter early voting period became even shorter due to the holidays as voters also won't be able to cast their ballots on the last Saturday of the month. Georgia state law bars early voting within two days of a holiday, and Thanksgiving falls on a Thursday this year.

Warnock and Democratic party officials have now sued to try and require that Saturday of early voting, arguing that the rule about the holiday cutoff doesn't apply to runoffs.

Counties may choose to have early voting the Sunday after Thanksgiving and potentially the Tuesday and Wednesday before if preparations are completed by then.

In 2020, when Democrats secured two major victories in the state and flipped control of the U.S. Senate, candidates were forced into a nine-week runoff cycle; however, under Georgia's new voting law, this election will be held four weeks after Election Day on Dec. 6.

"Well there's no question that they looked at our victory the last time in the runoff, and sought to make it harder. But the people of Georgia pushed through those barriers during the general election. I'm calling on them to do the same thing again," Warnock told reporters Sunday.

Former President Donald Trump also looms large over the runoff after some Republicans notably blamed his vociferous claims of election fraud in 2020 for a depressed GOP base that cost the GOP two Georgia Senate seats in 2021 runoffs.

Now, Trump is expected to launcha third presidential campaignTuesday evening, more deeply inserting himself into the national conversation shortly before Georgia voters head to the polls for a second time and sparking handwringing even among allies and voters.

"You know, I'd rather see DeSantis at this point. I love Trump. I appreciate him. But I've got some mixed feelings about him coming in. I definitely would prefer that he wait to announce until this until this election is over," Steve Bolen, a Walker supporter, told ABC News. "I think that would take away attention. We got to put all of our focus on getting Herschel elected."

Given comments like that, Republican allies and critics alike are suggesting a presidential campaign launch could impede efforts to defeat Warnock.

"Of course, President Trump had said he'd be making an announcement on Nov. 15, next Tuesday. I'm advising the president to hold off until after the Georgia race," Jason Miller, a former adviser on Trump's 2016 and 2020 campaigns, said on Newsmax. "Priorities A, B and C need to be about Herschel [Walker] right now."

"[I]f Pres. Trump announces his run next week, Sen. Warnock raises twice as much money for the Georgia runoff," tweeted Michael Caputo, a former Trump administration official.

Still, runoffs are historically unpredictable, and Democrats say with such a narrow window to organize before Dec. 6, anything can happen.

Democrats who worked on the 2021 runoffs said the fact that Senate control is already decided could depress turnout on both sides, possibly exacerbating an already anticipated dropoff in turnout.

"If we're in a world where we already have control of the Senate and this is just icing on the cake, I think that you have to question, is that going to be enough of a motivating factor to get Democrats back out to vote on Dec. 6? I don't think it's a foregone conclusion to assume that they would," one senior adviser on Warnock's 2020 campaign said in an interview before Nevada's Senate race was called, adding that losing the Senate could be an "energizer" for Republicans.

"I'd say this one is even more unpredictable than the last one," said a second Democrat who worked on the 2021 runoffs. "A shorter [early vote] period is a challenge for Dems especially. Warnock will need a massive turnout and education game to make sure people vote that week."






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