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2022-11-23 10:27  -ABC   - 









科罗拉多州公开同性恋州长贾里德·波利斯(Jared Polis)周二加入了一群民主党人的行列,他们引用了Boebert热情,有时夸张的枪支权利支持,如过去共享去年,她的四个孩子拿着枪在圣诞树前摆姿势的全家福照片。




纽约民主党众议员亚历山大·奥卡西奥·科尔特斯(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)说,“你不能靠‘思考和祈祷’来摆脱困境。”发微博Boebert的国会选区与代表科罗拉多斯普林斯的众议员Doug Lamborn的选区接壤。








另一名附近的共和党议员、科罗拉多州第四国会选区的众议员肯·巴克(Ken Buck)在一条推文中谴责了这次袭击,但没有直接评论枪支暴力或对LGBTQ社区的袭击。






Colorado Springs shooting comes amid rise in anti-LGBTQ political rhetoric

The weekend mass shooting at the Colorado Springs gay bar has reignited the debate over whether anti-LGBTQ political rhetoric encourages such attacks or otherwise helps create a hostile environment given the widespread access to high-powered weapons used in similar assaults.

Although they haven't ascribed an exact motive, or described any direct connection,authorities in Colorado say the suspect has been chargedwith both the murders of five people and bias-motivated hate crimes.

"This comes amidst a rise of violent rhetoric and threats against the LGBTQ+ people across the country. What we don't know yet -- while we don't know yet for certain the motive of this attack, hate has no place in this country, and neither do military style assault rifles, which is why we will continue to push for an assault weapons ban," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during a press briefing Tuesday.

The attack, about midnight on Nov. 19, came on the eve of Transgender Day of Remembrance, which honors the memory of the lives of transgender people who have been victims of discriminatory violence. Authorities say the suspect, using a long gun and handgun, opened fire in Club Q, a self-described "safe haven" for LGBTQ residents of Colorado Springs.

A bipartisan slate of lawmakers have responded to the attack -- including some Democrats who touched not only on the tragedy itself but more broadly on gun and anti-LGBTQ violence at a time when the issues are already top of mind on the national political stage around the midterm elections.

Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., chair of the Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus, released astatementon Sunday condemning the "twin epidemics of hate and gun violence."

"LGBTQ+ clubs are often a place of refuge and affirmation for our community, yet once again what should have been a safe space became the target of a violent and deadly attack," he said. "We know the toxic combination of hate and access to guns in this country leads to deadly results."

The tragedy occurred in the backyard of one of Congress' staunchest gun rights advocates -- Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert -- whotweetedprayers for the victims of the mass shooting, much to the ire of Democrats who said her past remarks about the LGBTQ+ community helped lead to the attack.

Colorado's openly gay governor, Jared Polis, on Tuesday joined a group of Democrats who cited Boebert's ardent, sometimes exaggerated gun rights support, such as pastsharinga family photo showing her four children posing with guns in front of a Christmas tree last year.

"I was elected here in Colorado just like Lauren Boebert was. I was elected by a much larger margin than Lauren Boebert was in Colorado," he said onABC'S "The View" Tuesday, making a veiled nod to the incumbent congresswoman's recent reelection on Friday, when Democrat Adam Frisch conceded in what had been one of the closest races of the 2022 election and was pending a recount.

"And I can tell you on our Christmas cards, we absolutely have no guns, no guns whatsoever. They are peaceful joyous cards appropriate with holiday spirit."

Boeberttweeted: "The news out of Colorado Springs is absolutely awful. This morning the victims& their families are in my prayers. This lawless violence needs to end and end quickly."

"You don't get to 'thoughts and prayers' your way out of this," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.tweetedin response to Boebert, whose congressional district shares a border with that of Rep. Doug Lamborn, who represents Colorado Springs.

"You have played a major role in elevating anti-LGBT+ hate rhetoric and anti-trans lies while spending your time in Congress blocking even the most common sense gun safety laws," Ocasio-Cortez said.

Boebert hastweetedearlier statements such as "take your children to CHURCH, not drag bars." The targeted bar, Club Q, was scheduled to host its weekly drag show the next day, according to its website.

She's also falsely stated that the LGBTQ+ community is "grooming" children.

Colorado Springs' GOP member of Congress, Rep. Doug Lamborn,tweetedhis condolences following the shooting.

"I am saddened to hear of the senseless loss of life in the shooting last night. Law enforcement and first responders are to be commended for their rapid response," he said in a tweet.

"All people should pray for the victims and their families."

Lamborn has supported anti-transgender legislation in Congress, pushing for funding to be withheld from PBS and NPR after the children's cartoon "Arthur" aired an episode with a same-sex wedding. He voted against the federal Equality Act in 2021.

Another nearby GOP congressman, Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado's 4th Congressional District, condemned the attack in a tweet without directly commenting on gun violence or attacks on the LGBTQ community.

"This is horrifying. Praying for all those affected by the tragic and senseless attack in Colorado Springs,"he said.

Congress is poised to soonpasslandmark legislation to federally enshrine both same-sex and interracial marriage rights, called theRespect for Marriage Act. Separately, the nation is still grappling with a significant uptick in mass shootings for 2022, so far one of the deadliest years on record.

President Joe Biden on Mondaystatementurged Congress to pass LGBTQ-centered pieces of legislation while nodding to a gun safety law he signed earlier this year, noting that the country needs to "do more," about the issue.

"We know that gun violence has a particular impact on LGBTQI+ communities across our nation. We must address the public health epidemic of gun violence in all forms. I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly three decades, but we must do more. And we must drive out the inequities that contribute to violence against LGBTQI+ people. We cannot tolerate hate," he said.

"I continue to urge state leaders to combat the disturbing wave of discriminatory state laws targeting young transgender Americans -- legislation that hurts young people who aren't hurting anyone. With Congress poised to pass the bipartisan Respect For Marriage Act, I also reiterate my call for them to likewise pass the Equality Act and provide long overdue protections to transgender and all LGBTQI+ Americans," Biden said.






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