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2022-11-23 11:00  -ABC   - 

涉及前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的案件周二在四个不同的法庭进行,突显出他在发起一场诉讼时面临的法律挑战第三轮为了白宫。




周二在纽约市,检方预计将停止对特朗普组织的刑事诉讼。特朗普集团(Trump Organization)前首席财务官艾伦·魏斯勒伯格(Allen Weisselberg)在8月份承认逃避近200万美元的所得税,上周作证说确实如此他自己的决定通过对他从特朗普组织(Trump Organization)获得的额外福利(包括他在曼哈顿公寓支付的租金)不纳税来实施税务欺诈。


辩方将提交一份简短的证人名单,其中包括该公司来自Mazars USA的外部会计师,之后将在感恩节后进行结案陈词。

同样在周二,代表特朗普的律师计划在纽约州最高法院出席州检察长对特朗普、他的孩子和他的公司提起的民事诉讼的听证会。9月,经过17个月的调查,纽约司法部长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯提起诉讼2 . 5亿美元的民事诉讼指控特朗普夫妇涉嫌“严重”夸大前总统的净资产数十亿美元,并用虚假和误导性的财务报表欺骗贷款人和其他人。

PHOTO: Former President Donald Trump announces that he will once again run for president in the 2024 presidential election during an event at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., Nov. 15, 2022.

Former President Donald Trump announces that he will once again run for president in the 2024 presidential election during an event at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., Nov. 15, 2022.



最后,前Elle专栏作家E. Jean Carroll原定于周二在纽约联邦法院出席她的听证会诽谤诉讼反对特朗普。卡罗尔在2019年11月起诉了他,此前特朗普否认强奸了她,质疑她的可信度,并说她“不是我喜欢的类型”。特朗普否认了这些指控。



特朗普的侄女玛丽·特朗普(Mary Trump)和他的前“中间人”迈克尔·科恩(Steve Ballmer)分别提起了诉讼上周解散了。同样在上周,纽约市的联邦检察官拒绝收费特朗普的前律师鲁迪·朱利安尼违反了外国游说法。特朗普的2016年就职筹款人汤姆·巴拉克是被判无罪非法海外游说的指控。

As he begins 2024 run, Trump faces legal challenges in 4 courtrooms in 1 day

Cases involving former President Donald Trump are playing out in four different courtrooms Tuesday, underscoring the legal challenges he faces as he mounts athird runfor the White House.

Four days after Attorney General Merrick Garlandappointed a special counselto oversee the entirety of the Justice Department's criminal investigation into Trump's handling of classified materials after leaving office, the Justice Department was expected Tuesday to ask a federal appeals court in Atlanta to remove the special master -- the independent arbiter appointed to review the materials -- from the case.

The special master had been appointed by a federal judge in Florida to review materials seized fromTrump's Mar-a-Lago estateto determine which, if any, were protected by executive privilege or attorney-client privilege.

The Justice Department already succeeded in extracting documents with classified markings from the review, but now the DOJ is seeking unfettered access to everything taken from Mar-a-Lago in their August raid of the property. Trump has denied wrongdoing.

In New York City Tuesday, the prosecution was expected to rest its criminal case against the Trump Organization. Former Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, who in August pleaded guilty to skirting nearly $2 million in income taxes, testified last week that it washis decision aloneto commit tax fraud by paying no taxes on the fringe benefits he received from the Trump Organization, including rent paid on his Manhattan apartment.

Prosecutors say Weisselberg's actions implicate the company because he was a "high managerial agent" entrusted to act on its behalf. The Trump Organization has denied wrongdoing.

The defense was to present a short list of witnesses, including the company's outside accountant from Mazars USA, after which closing arguments will take place after Thanksgiving.

Also Tuesday, attorneys representing Trump were scheduled to appear in New York State Supreme Court at a hearing in the state attorney general's civil lawsuit against Trump, his children and his company. In September, after a 17-month investigation, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a$250 million civil suitagainst the Trumps for allegedly "grossly" inflating the former president's net worth by billions of dollars and cheating lenders and others with false and misleading financial statements.

James subsequently installed acourt-appointed monitorto oversee parts of the Trump Organization while the trial proceeds. Trump, who has denied wrongdoing, has called James' investigation a politically motivated "witch hunt."

Finally, former Elle columnist E. Jean Carroll was scheduled to appear Tuesday in federal court in New York City for a hearing in herdefamation lawsuitagainst Trump. Carroll sued him in November 2019 after Trump denied raping her by questioning her credibility and saying that she was "not my type." Trump has denied the charges.

A trial is scheduled for February. Carroll says she is also planning to file a separate claim for battery under a New York law that goes into effect on Thanksgiving, allowing alleged sex assault victims to sue regardless of timeframe.

Despite these legal challenges, the former president has prevailed in a number of recent cases.

Separate lawsuits by Trump's niece, Mary Trump, and by his former "fixer," Michael Cohen, weredismissed last week. Also last week, federal prosecutors in New York Citydeclined to chargeTrump's onetime attorney, Rudy Giuliani, with violating foreign lobbying laws. And Trump's 2016 inaugural fundraiser, Tom Barrack, wasfound not guiltyof illegal foreign lobbying charges three weeks ago.






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