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2022-12-02 14:49  -ABC   - 


乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)的部队于8月开始进攻,他发誓要夺回所有被俄罗斯占领的领土。但普京在9月宣布动员预备役人员,预计将征召多达30万额外的部队。










据谢里·科瓦伦科亚斯诺能源公司(YASNO energy company)负责人说,在基辅,65.2万居民周四全天断电。基辅的主电网运行能力不足70 %, 20%的居民仍然没有电力和暖气。


俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫(Sergey Lavrov)指责西方直接参与乌克兰战争,向该国提供武器并训练其士兵。








Russia-Ukraine live updates: No regrets starting war, Putin tells soldiers' mothers

More than six months after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an invasion into neighboring Ukraine, the two countries are engaged in a struggle for control of areas throughout eastern and southern Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, whose forces began an offensive in August, has vowed to take back all Russian-occupied territory. But Putin in September announced a mobilization of reservists, which is expected to call up as many as 300,000 additional troops.

Biden 'prepared to speak with Putin' if he wants to end war

Speaking at a joint press conference with France's Emmanuel Macron, President Joe Biden said he would be open to speaking with Vladimir Putin if the Russian leader has legitimate interest in peace negotiations. Biden, however, said he has "no immediate plans to contact Mr. Putin."

Biden also noted that Putin has "miscalculated every single thing" when it comes to this war.

"So the question is what is his -- how does he get himself out of the circumstance he's in? I'm prepared if he's willing to talk to find out what he's willing to do, but I'll only do it in consultation with my NATO. I'm not going to do it on my own," Biden said.

Meanwhile, President Macron, who has continued speaking with Putin, said it's up to Ukraine to come to the negotiating table.

"So it's only legitimate that President Zelenskyy sets some conditions to talk. We need to work on what could lead to a peace agreement. But it's for him to tell us when the time comes and what the choices of the Ukrainians are," Macron said.

Shelling in Kherson damages power lines as energy company works to finish repairs

Electricity was back for 60% of customers in the Ukrainian city of Kherson, but shelling overnight damaged power lines, according to the head of Ukraine's regional energy company.

Workers are hoping to finish the repairs by the end of Thursday.

In Kyiv, 652,000 residents were subject to power outages throughout Thursday, according to the director of YASNO energy company, Serhiy Kovalenko. Kyiv's main power grid is operating at less than 70% capacity and 20% of residents are still without power or heat.

Russia accuses US, NATO of direct involvement in war

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused the West of being directly involved in the war in Ukraine by supplying the country with weapons and training its soldiers.

"You are training their military on your territory, on the territories of Britain, Germany, Italy and other countries," Lavrov said at a press conference Thursday.

Lavrov also claimed that Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian energy facilities and other key infrastructure were intended to weaken Ukraine’s military potential and derail the shipments of weapons from the West.

Lavrov also said Moscow is open to peace talks to end the conflict.

US to send $53M in energy aid to help Ukraine through winter

The U.S. will provide Ukraine with more than $53 million to acquire critical electric grid equipment to help its citizens get through the winter, the State Department announced Tuesday.

The announcement comes amid Russia's continued attacks against Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

"This new assistance is in addition to $55 million in emergency energy sector support for generators and other equipment to help restore emergency power and heat to local municipalities impacted by Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s power system," the State Department said in a release.






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