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参议员slam FTX,山姆班克曼-弗里德和回密码监管

2022-12-15 14:21  -ABC   - 

















怀俄明州共和党参议员辛西娅·卢米斯(Cynthia Lummis)将FTX的崩溃描述为“老式骗局”,但为加密货币的创新潜力辩护。





美国大学华盛顿法学院教授、听证会证人希拉里·j·艾伦(Hilary J. Allen)提议在美国彻底禁止加密货币。

PHOTO: Sen. Sherrod Brown, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, and Sen. Pat Toomey, lead a hearing on cryptocurrency and the collapse of the FTX crypto exhange and its founder Sam Bankman-Fried, at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., Dec. 14, 2022.

Sen. Sherrod Brown, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, and Sen. Pat Toomey, right, the ranking member, lead a hearing on cryptocurrency and the collapse of the FTX crypto exhange and its founder Sam Bankman-Fried, at the Capitol in Washin...Show moreundefined




凯文·奥利里(Kevin O'Leary)是一名企业家,也是电视节目《鲨鱼坦克》(Shark Tank)的主持人,他之前支持FTX成为付费推广人,他说,该公司的垮台最终将突显加密货币带来的透明度,因为客户寻求追回损失的资金。


明尼苏达州参议员Tina Smith试图让人们注意到FTX的客户,他们在平台崩溃后将失去他们的投资。


Senators slam FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried and back crypto regulation

Senators across both major parties on Wednesday sharply criticized bankrupt cryptocurrency exchangeFTXand its former CEOSam Bankman-Fried, while advocating for regulation of the digital currency sector.

Lawmakers on the chamber's banking committee differed significantly, however, on whether FTX exemplified wider industry dangers or merely a run-of-the-mill fraud that could occur at any business. In turn, they indicated a range of opinions on the type and extent of crypto regulation.

Democrats expressed concern about systemic flaws in the crypto industry raised by the FTX debacle, while some Republicans characterized the corporate collapse as a one-off instance of fraud divorced from the promising financial technology that enabled it.

Sam Bankman-Fried is 'the villain'

"The myth of Sam Bankman-Fried and his crypto trading success was supposed to impress us," Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, said. "In this story, Bankman-Fried was the shiny object. Now he's the villain."

"But this story is bigger than one person and one firm," he added.

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., also skewered the mismanagement of FTX but said its corporate collapse does not reflect negatively on the potential economic value of cryptocurrency.

"We owe it to each customer to get to the bottom of the FTX implosion," Toomey said. "While all the facts have not yet come to light, we've clearly witnessed wrongdoing that was almost certainly illegal."

"The wrongful behavior that occurred here is not specific to the underlying asset," he added. "FTX and cryptocurrencies are not the same thing."

'Good old-fashioned fraud'

FTX, previously valued at $32 billion, declaredbankruptcyin November, within weeks of a customer sell-off totaling billions of dollars

Bankman-Fried, 30, wasarrestedMonday in the Bahamas after federal prosecutors in New York filed an eight-count indictment including allegations of fraud and conspiracy, according to the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

Sam Bankman-Fried's lawyer, Mark S. Cohen, offered his first comments on the arrest of his client Tuesday morning.

"Mr. Bankman-Fried is reviewing the charges with his legal team and considering all of his legal options," Cohen said in a statement.

Bankman-Fried's application for bail was denied on Tuesday after a judge determined he was too much of a flight risk. He will be remanded until Feb. 8, 2023, to the Bahamas Department of Corrections.

There are more than $8 billion in customer losses, said Gretchen Lowe of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, a federal agency.

Sen. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., characterized the collapse of FTX as "good old-fashioned fraud," but defended the innovative potential of cryptocurrency.

"FTX is a failure of people, safeguards and regulation -- it's not a failure of technology," she said, adding that the cryptocurrency industry requires regulation.

Potential regulation of cryptocurrency

Bipartisan legislation introduced by Sen.Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Ky., on Wednesday aims to address the use of cryptocurrency for illicit activities by applying a current set of anti-money laundering rules to digital currency, including Know Your Customer requirements -- rules that require banks and other financial institutions to understand the profile of and risks posed by a customer.

"Crypto has become the preferred tool for terrorists, for ransomware gangs, for drug dealers and for rogue states that want to launder money," Warren said.

Hilary J. Allen, a professor at American University Washington College of Law and a witness at the hearing, proposed an outright ban on cryptocurrency in the U.S.

"A ban on crypto would be the most straightforward way of protecting both investors and the financial system," she said. "It would end the uncontrolled creation of crypto assets and also ensure that crypto assets never require a bailout."

Other witnesses supported regulation but indicated that cryptocurrency technology offers significant value for the nation's economy, cautioning against aggressive action that could hinder the value generated by the sector.

Kevin O'Leary, an entrepreneur and host of the television show "Shark Tank," who previously endorsed FTX as a paid promoter, said the downfall of the company would ultimately highlight the transparency delivered by cryptocurrency, as customers seek to recover lost funds.

"I think what's going to happen as we peel the onion on FTX over the next year or two is the shining outcome of the success of the blockchain to track these assets will become the focus of everybody," he said.

Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn., sought to to bring attention to the FTX customers who stand to lose their investments on the platform after its collapse.

"We shouldn't lose sight of the fact that millions of dollars disappeared overnight," she said. "This is money that belonged to people who couldn't afford to lose their money."






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