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2022-12-22 09:56  -ABC   - 





莱克本人在审判前发推特说,“这远远没有结束”,尽管她的法律团队取消了传唤她的对手国务卿凯蒂·霍布斯(Katie Hobbs)作为证人的计划。上周末,莱克给自己贴上了“骄傲的选举否认可叹”的标签,并发出了一个模糊的混合隐喻,威胁马里科帕县的官员:“我不只是要推倒那座纸牌屋。我们要把它夷为平地。”




这位温和的国会女议员是由即将上任的众议院民主党领袖、纽约州民主党众议员哈基姆·杰弗里斯(Hakeem Jeffries)任命的。此前,规则发生了变化,允许领袖选择民主党国会竞选委员会的主席,而不是就该角色进行核心小组投票。


这位华盛顿州女众议员是新民主党联盟(New Democrats Coalition)的前主席,新民主党联盟是民主党议员中的一个温和团体,她以前曾与DCCC合作,帮助弱势民主党人保住他们的席位。她也被认为是一个强有力的资金筹集者。她的经历让人们得以窥见民主党在下一轮选举中争取更多席位的道路。

德尔贝尼的选区被认为是坚定的民主党选区。这是她的前任、即将离任的纽约州民主党众议员肖恩·帕特里克·马洛尼(Sean Patrick Maloney)没有享受到的优势。这可以让她专注于选举工作,而不必为保住自己的席位进行艰苦的斗争。


加州参议院第1327号法案将允许公民个人对非法枪支制造商采取法律行动,而德克萨斯州的SB 8,由州长格雷格·艾伯特支持,允许公民个人起诉堕胎提供者或寻求堕胎的人。

法官罗杰·贝尼特斯(Roger Benitez)由前总统乔治·w·布什(George W. Bush)任命,并做出了裁决。此前,他在围绕枪支的问题上不同意纽森的观点,并在本周的裁决中引用了加州州长对德克萨斯州法律的评论。


贝尼特斯接着描述了SB 1327号法案是如何让其他完善的修正案面临法律挑战的。作为回报,纽森感谢贝尼特斯对他的评价。

“我要感谢贝尼特斯法官。我们一直在说德克萨斯州的反堕胎法令人愤慨。法官贝尼特斯刚刚确认这也是违反宪法的,纽瑟姆在一份声明中说。他推翻的加州法律条款是德克萨斯州做法的翻版,他对SB 1327的这一部分为何不公平地阻止诉诸法院的解释同样适用于德克萨斯州的SB 8。毫无疑问,德克萨斯州残酷的反堕胎法也应该被废除。"


Election denials go to court as Jan. 6 fallout brings action: The Note

The TAKE with Rick Klein

It might be fitting that on the very day the House Jan. 6 committee issues its final report and Congress moves to change the law in response to what happened that day, the final legal action of the 2022 election cycle will start to play out in an Arizona courtroom.

Defeated gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake will get the hearing she has demanded, in a two-day trial that starts Wednesday. She'll have a chance to prove explosive allegations for which she has so far offered no evidence -- including one claiming that ballot printer issues in the state's largest county were intentionally interfered with in a way that swung the election.

The judge in the case is signaling skepticism about whether anything Lake is alleging would have changed the outcome. Her 17,000-vote defeat was certified and signed off on by the state's outgoing Republican governor earlier this month.

Lake herself tweeted in advance of the trail that "this is far from over," though her legal team is backtracking on plans to call her opponent, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, as a witness. Over the weekend, Lake labeled herself "a proud election-denying deplorable" and issued a vague mixed metaphor of a threat against officials in Maricopa County: "I'm not just gonna knock that house of cards over. We're gonna burn it to the ground."

Meanwhile, in Washington, the Jan. 6 committee's final written report lands while Congress is set to approve a year-end spending bill that includes reforms to the Electoral Count Act.

The reforms are relatively narrow, and applicable only to presidential elections in the particular kind of circumstances that were relevant in November 2020. Finality in court and even clarity in legislation only go so far, as Lake's vow to fight on makes evident.

Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wash., will lead House Democrats' campaign arm, as the party eyes taking back the majority in 2024.

The congresswoman, a moderate, was appointed by incoming House Democratic leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y. It came after a rule change that allows the leader to choose the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee rather than a caucus vote on the role.

"She is the right leader, with the right experience and the right demeanor to meet this pivotal moment," Jeffries said in a statement Monday. He later added, "In the last decade, Rep. DelBene won a tough seat as a red-to-blue candidate, held a tough seat as a front-line candidate and then put that tough seat out of reach."

The Washington state congresswoman was the former chair of the New Democrats Coalition, a moderate group of Democratic lawmakers, and she previously worked with the DCCC to help vulnerable Democrats keep their seats. She's also considered a strong fundraiser. Her experience offers a peek into the path Democrats may take as they aim to win more seats in the next election cycle.

DelBene's district is considered solidly Democratic. It's an advantage that her predecessor, outgoing Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, D-N.Y., who lost his race, didn't enjoy. That could allow her to focus on election efforts without an arduous battle to keep her own seat.

Two of the nation's most high-profile governors are likely anticipating a major legal faceoff in the new year after a federal judge blocked California's gun law from going into effect, which mirrored the legal contours of Texas' law restricting abortion access. The outcome was what California Gov. Gavin Newsom intended from the outset.

Recent Stories from ABC News

California's Senate Bill 1327 would allow private citizens to pursue legal action against manufacturers of illegal guns, while Texas' SB 8, which is backed by Gov. Greg Abbott, allows private citizens to sue abortion providers or those seeking an abortion.

Judge Roger Benitez -- who was appointed by former President George W. Bush and delivered the ruling -- has disagreed with Newsom on issues surrounding guns before and quoted the California governor's comments about Texas' law in his ruling this week.

"'It is cynical.' 'It is an abomination.' 'It is outrageous and objectionable.' 'There is no dispute that it raises serious constitutional questions.' 'It is an unprecedented attempt to thwart judicial review,'" Benitez wrote.

Benitez went on to describe how SB 1327 could create a slippery slope for other well-established amendments to be put under legal challenge. In return, Newsom thanked Benitez for his assessment.

"I want to thank Judge Benitez. We have been saying all along that Texas' anti-abortion law is outrageous. Judge Benitez just confirmed it is also unconstitutional," Newsom said in a statement. "The provision in California's law that he struck down is a replica of what Texas did, and his explanation of why this part of SB 1327 unfairly blocks access to the courts applies equally to Texas' SB 8. There is no longer any doubt that Texas' cruel anti-abortion law should also be struck down."

The law could be on its way to reaching the Supreme Court, whose potential rulings have already been on Newsom's radar. Last year, the governor said the Supreme Court, which carries a conservative majority, would be "complete and abject hypocrites and frauds" if they rejected California's bill while backing that of Texas.






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