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2023-02-15 10:08 -ABC  -  371672







“我们对这场悲剧感到震惊,并向面临难以想象的伤害和损失的受害者家属和朋友伸出我们的集体手臂,”大学发展副总裁金·托宾(Kim Tobin)周三在一份宣布细节的声明中说。

受害者Arielle Anderson因热心帮助他人而被铭记

来自密歇根州格罗斯波因特的大三学生艾瑞尔·安德森是其中之一三名密歇根州立大学学生在枪击中丧生。她的家人在周二晚上通过她母亲的雇主Comerica Bank发表的一份声明中,将她视为“宝贵的女儿、孙女、姐妹、侄女、表亲和朋友”。
















MSU mass shooting live updates: 3 students killed, suspect viewed himself as ‘loner’

Three students were killed and five others were injured by a gunmanwho opened fireat an academic building and the student union on the Michigan State University campus in East Lansing on Monday night, police said.

After an hourslong manhunt, police found the 43-year-old suspect, Anthony McRae, dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound off campus.

All five injured students are in critical condition Tuesday, officials said.

Classes to resume on Monday

Classes at Michigan State, which have been canceled in the wake of the tragic shooting, will resume on Monday, school officials said.

A vigil is also planned on campus Wednesday night in honor of the victims, all of whom were students at the school, officials said.

"We are devastated by this tragedy and wrap our collective arms around the victims' families and friends who face unimaginable injury and loss," Kim Tobin, vice president of university advancement, said in a statement Wednesday announcing the details.

Victim Arielle Anderson remembered for passion to help others

Arielle Anderson, a junior from Grosse Pointe, Michigan, was one of thethree Michigan State studentskilled in the shooting. Her family remembered her as a "precious daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, and friend" in a statement shared Tuesday evening through her mother's employer, Comerica Bank.

"As much as we loved her, she loved us and others even more," the family said. "She was passionate about helping her friends and family, assisting children and serving people."

Anderson, who was described as "sweet and loving with an infectious smile," wanted to be a surgeon, her family said.

"Driven by her aspiration to tend to the health and welfare of others as a surgeon, she was working diligently to graduate from Michigan State University early to achieve her goals as quickly as possible," the family said.

"We are absolutely devastated by this heinous act of violence upon her and many other innocent victims," the statement added.

University releases names of victims

The three Michigan State students killed in the shooting have been identified by university police.

Brian Fraser, a sophomore, and Arielle Anderson, a junior, were both from Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Alexandria Verner, a junior, was from Clawson, Michigan.

Five other students remain in the hospital in critical condition following the attack.

Suspect walked from his home to campus, viewed himself as ‘loner’

The FBI offered new details on the suspected gunman in a confidential briefing to law enforcement on Tuesday.

Investigators have determined 43-year-old Anthony McRae walked from his home to Michigan State and had no connection to the university or the victims.

Authorities said that when McRae was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, he had a “3-page document expressing his reasons for the attack and a number of additional locations in Lansing and Holt, Mich.; Ewing Township and Franklin Park, NJ; and Colorado Springs, Colo., which had ‘hurted’ (sic) him and, therefore, were deserving of attack.” Agents believe he had “personal grievances” with people at those locations.

McRae lived with his father, who is cooperating with the investigation, the FBI reported.

Investigators said the suspect’s writings confirmed he “was often alone.” The briefing said the gunman viewed himself as “a loner” and an “outcast” who was “never noticed or accepted by others.”






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