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2023-02-16 15:10 -ABC  -  462632

美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)任命美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)局长,这似乎平息了共和党在周三确认听证会上的一些批评,他承诺恢复对这个陷入困境的机构的信任。

通过参议院财政委员会前三个小时的质询,主席罗恩·怀登·多尔。丹尼尔·沃费尔称这是“城里最具挑战性、最不受欢迎的工作之一”,他表示支持拜登的愿望针对高收入纳税人,并重申了财政部长珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)的承诺,即不会提高收入低于40万美元的小企业和家庭的审计率。











内华达州民主党参议员凯瑟琳·科尔特斯-马斯托(Catherine Cortez-Masto)在周三的听证会上直接问韦费尔,他是否计划使用87,000名新特工来审计美国人。



Werfel还在周三的听证会上花了一部分时间来解决共和党对该机构的额外怀疑,俄克拉荷马州共和党参议员詹姆斯·兰克福德(James Lankford)表示,这已经被提升到“压制保守派的声音”,并对公众进行了不必要的侵扰。


共和党参议员约翰·图恩(John Thune)问道:“你知道,仍然没有任何关于泄露的责任……你会采取措施确保这种机密的税务信息被泄露,有责任追究并确保它不会再次发生吗?”




Werfel被提名接替唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统选定的国税局局长查尔斯·雷蒂格(Charles Rettig),预计将滑向两党确认投票。



Biden's pick to head IRS quells GOP criticism at nomination hearing

President Joe Biden's pick to head the Internal Revenue Service appeared to quell some GOP criticism at his confirmation hearing Wednesday by promising to restore trust in the troubled agency.

Through three hours of questioning before the Senate Finance Committee for what chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., called "one of the more challenging and least popular jobs in town," Daniel Werfel confirmed his backing ofBiden's desireto target high income taxpayers and reaffirmed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's promise to not increase audit rates for small businesses and households making under $400,000.

"If I am fortunate enough to be confirmed, the audit and compliance priorities will be focused on enhancing IRS' capabilities to ensure that America's highest earners comply with applicable tax law," Werfel said.

PHOTO: Danny Werfel, commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) nominee for US President Joe Biden, during a Senate Finance Committee nomination hearing, Feb. 15, 2023, in Washington.

Danny Werfel, commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) nominee for US President Joe Biden, during a Senate Finance Committee nomination hearing, Feb. 15, 2023, in Washington.

Anna Rose Layden/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Werfel's nomination comes amid intense GOP scrutiny of the IRS, which received a significant funding boost through the Inflation Reduction Act, passed by Congress in August. That funding,Treasury Department officials saywill be used mostly for improving taxpayer services and modernizing antiquated, paper-based IRS operations.

"Also front and center will be efforts to modernize and dramatically improve taxpayer service. If confirmed, I will lead these efforts in close collaboration with this committee and will be unyielding in following my 'true north' -- to increase the public trust, unheralded effective implementation of our taxes and do anything necessary to fund critical government services," he said.

"My understanding is the focus is to hire people with understanding and capacity and talent to unpack very complicated, intricate returns, which is a capacity gap that exists today," he said.

Werfel, a 51-year-old business consultant who has previously held a number of government jobs in both Republican and Democratic administrations, also committed during the hearing to releasing a plan for spending the IRS's recent funding increase -- about $80 billion over the next 10 years.

The IRS is required to submit a plan, which Werfel has not been involved in writing, to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen by Friday on how it plans to spend the funds.

Werfel said the committee and members of the public would be able to connect the dollars from the IRA to the various activities and investments in the plan.

He also reaffirmed that as IRS commissioner, he'd commit to not increasing tax audit rates on small businesses and households making less than $400,000 per year, something Yellen confirmed in aletterto the former IRS commissioner shared with Congress last year.

GOP opponents of the IRA have claimed funding will be used to hire 87,000 new agents in order to target middle-class Americans and small business

In his first speech to the 118th Congress, newly-elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy promised: "our very first bill will repeal the funding for 87,000 new IRS agents." Days later,House Republicansvoted to do just that, though Treasury Department officials and documentsverifythe claim is false.

Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez-Masto of Nevada asked Werfel directly at Wednesday's hearing if he planned on using 87,000 new agents to audit Americans.

"I am not. I think it's patently incorrect," he said, ading that the "notion of armed agents" -- another GOP claim debunked by Treasury officials -- also is incorrect.

"I certainly would have no intention of making that part of any plan going forward."

Werfel also spent part of Wednesday's hearing addressing additional GOP skepticism of the agency, which Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., said has been leveled to "silence conservative voices" and engages in unnecessary intrusion of the public.

GOP committee members referenced a ProPublica project called theSecret IRS Files-- a series of stories on the tax avoidance techniques of the ultra-wealthy based on tax information provided directly by the IRS.

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., asked: "There still hasn't been any, you know, accountability on the leak … would you take steps to ensure that that kind of confidential tax information, the one that the breaches, there's accountability there and to that it doesn't happen again?"

Werfel said that maintaining data security would be a "top priority," especially in reaching his goal of garnering additional public trust in the agency.

"Data security is a top priority. I don't know how to build trust with the public when there's a sense that there's there's risk material risk of unauthorized disclosures," he said.

"So, one of the things that I will absolutely do is work with the inspector general to understand what did they see as the risks any specific action or activity that's taken place have been investigated–what are the root causes … if there are their corrective actions because if there are, we will make them."

Nominated to replace Charles Rettig, an IRS commissioner selected by President Donald Trump, Werfel is expected to glide towards a bipartisan confirmation vote.

"I intend to support your confirmation, incidentally" said Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., during his questioning of Werfel.

Wyden ended the hearing saying he expects to move Werfel's nomination quickly after the Senate returns from its Presidents Day break.






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