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2023-03-08 10:34 -ABC  -  493020




PHOTO: President Donald Trump walks with White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders as they leave the White House to board Marine One, Oct. 9, 2018, in Washington.


Olivier Douliery/法新社









阿肯色州议会预计将于周二通过桑德斯具有里程碑意义的立法《学习法案》(LEARNS Act),该法案模仿了佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)制定的教育政策的元素,德桑蒂斯被认为是特朗普在2024年最接近的竞争对手。桑德斯还选择了德桑蒂斯的教育部长雅各布·奥利瓦(Jacob Oliva)将佛罗里达州的计划带到阿肯色州,因为不清楚她是否会等待另一位候选人的支持。


Sarah Huckabee Sanders reportedly declined to endorse Trump

Sarah Huckabee Sanderstouted her endorsementfrom former PresidentDonald Trumpto help win the Arkansas governor's mansion, but although Trump reportedly has asked her to return the favor for his 2024 White House bid, Sanders so far has kept publicly silent.

With his reelection bid underway, Trump asked Sanders for her endorsement in a phone call "weeks ago,"according to the New York Times. The Times reported Sanders replied she wouldn't yet do so and hasn't weighed in publicly since.

Trump, for his part, denied asking for her endorsement on Sunday on his Truth Social media platform, saying he never asked Sanders for her endorsement, while taking credit for her political success.

"I give endorsements, I don't generally ask for them," Trumpposted. "With that being said, nobody has done more for her than I have, with the possible exception of her great father, Mike."

Trump's spokesperson and Sanders' office had not responded to ABC News' requests for comment as of Tuesday afternoon.

Sanders, the longest-serving White House press secretary under Trump, followed in the footsteps of her father, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, to become the first father-daughter governor duo in the nation.

But it was serving in Trump's White House that propelled Sanders to become a household name herself.

Some of Trump's most enthusiastic supporters, such as Steve Bannon, are questioning why Trump hadn't seen more endorsements. Bannon and Sanders worked together in Trump's White House until he was removed from his position as chief strategist in Aug. 2017.

"Sarah ... are you listening?" he said on hispodcast"The War Room."

In aninterviewin January on "Fox News Sunday," Sanders declined the opportunity to endorse Trump and said her focus was on serving Arkansas, not 2024.

"My focus right now has been on 2022, winning theelectionin November, preparing through transition and getting ready to take office, as I did this past week. I love the president. I have a great relationship with him. I know our country will be infinitely better off if he was in office right now instead of Joe Biden," Sanders said. "My focus isn't on 2024."

The Arkansas state legislature on Tuesday is expected to pass Sanders' landmark legislation, the LEARNS Act, which imitates elements of Florida's education policy enacted under Gov. Ron DeSantis -- thought to be Trump's closest competitor in 2024. Sanders also tapped DeSantis' education secretary Jacob Oliva to bring Florida's plan to Arkansas as it's unclear if she could be waiting for another candidate to endorse.

According to anAxios reporton Tuesday, Sanders is among four women Trump is currently considering as vice presidential pick. The others include South Dakota Kristi Noem, Gov. former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Gov.Nikki Haley, the most high-profile of Trump's announced challengers, and Kari Lake, who has not conceded the race for Arizona governor.






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