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2023-03-10 16:17 -ABC  -  542297


佐治亚州共和党众议员巴里·劳德米尔克(Barry Loudermilk)的办公室向美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)证实,众议院特别委员会1月6日曾表示,他与袭击前一天参观国会大厦的部分地区有关。劳德米尔克将领导新的调查,重点是审查当天的安全失误和早期委员会的工作。





PHOTO: Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia speaks on the last day of the annual

2022年6月18日,在田纳西州纳什维尔的Gaylord Opryland Resort & conventi on Center,信仰与自由联盟举行的年度“多数政策会议之路”的最后一天,佐治亚州共和党众议员Barry Loudermilk发表讲话。






美国国会大厦警察局长Tom Manger去年在给众议院管理委员会的一封信中写道,没有证据表明Loudermilk在暴乱前进行了“担保”旅行。

House Republicans will launch investigation of Jan. 6 committee and security failures around riot

Amid a flurry of activity from House Republicans regarding Jan. 6, including Speaker Kevin McCarthysharing security footage from the U.S. Capitol attackexclusively with Fox News' Tucker Carlson, a Republican-led committee has now launched a formal probeinto the riot two years agoand the select committee that subsequently investigated it in the last Congress.

Georgia Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk -- whom the House select committee on Jan. 6 had suggested was linked to a tour through parts of the Capitol on the day before the attack -- will lead the new probe focusing on reviewing the security failures of that day and the earlier committee’s work, Loudermilk's office confirmed to ABC News.

The House Administration Committee has also created an online portal to collect tips from the public.

“The Subcommittee on Oversight is dedicated to following the facts, not a particular political narrative. We are focused on finding out what really happened on January 6 so we can ensure it never happens again,” Loudermilk said in a statement to ABC News.

The news wasfirst reported by CNN.

In a letter late last year, McCarthy wrote to the then-chairman of the Jan. 6 select committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., telling his panel to preserve all the evidence and records it had and said that Republicans intended to hold hearings about the security failures on Jan. 6 once they took the House.

Prior to retaking the majority, some Republicansteased for months their plans to investigate the investigatorson the Jan. 6 committee, whichissued a final report late last yearafter approximately 18 months of work, nine public hearings and hundreds of interviews.

The Jan. 6 committeealso referred former President Donald Trump and othersto the Justice Department for "possible prosecution ... including for assisting and providing aid and comfort to an insurrection," as described in the report.

The committee called Trump the "central cause" of the riot. Hedenies wrongdoing.

ABC Newsreported on Wednesdaythat Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are planning a visit with some defendants who are being held in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol Police chief, Tom Manger, wrote in a letter last year to the House Administration Committee that there is no evidence Loudermilk gave "recognizance" tours before the riot.






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