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2023-03-23 11:39 -ABC  -  464580



PHOTO: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks during an election night watch party at the Convention Center in Tampa, Florida, Nov. 8, 2022.






这项由七名成员组成的董事会投票通过的规定,与州议会正在考虑的其他立法不谋而合。HB 1223将禁止从幼儿园到八年级有关性取向或性别认同的课堂教学,并且不会要求任何员工或学生使用他们的“首选个人称谓或代词”来称呼另一个人,如果这与那个人的性别不相符的话。拟议的立法还将使其成为全州公立学校的政策,即“给一个人指定一个与该人性别不相符的代词是错误的。”


Florida's so-called 'Don't Say Gay' policy could be expanded into high school

A proposed Florida Board of Education rulecould expand restrictionson classroom instruction related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

"For grades 4 through 12, instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity is prohibited unless such instruction is either expressly required by state academic standards … or is part of a reproductive health course or health lesson for which a student's parent has the option to have his or her student not attend," according to the proposed rule.

This rule would build up on the Parental Rights in Education law Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed in March 2022. The law bans classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade. It states that any instruction on those topics cannot occur "in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards," according to the legislation.

A spokesperson for the governor told ABC News' Rachel Scott in a statement, "There is no reason for instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity to be part of K-12 public education. Full stop."

The law was dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" law by critics, who said it aimed to shun LGBTQ identities from classroom content and discussion. Laura McGinnis of the LGBTQ advocacy group PFLAG told ABC News that "everyone has a sexual orientation and a gender identity. It looks like this rule would make it impossible to do much instruction at all."

This rule, voted on by the seven-member board, coincides with other legislation being considered in the state legislature. HB 1223 would ban classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in pre-kindergarten through grade 8, and would not require any employee or student to refer to a another person using their "preferred personal title or pronouns" if it does not correspond to that person's sex. The proposed legislation would also make it a statewide public school policy that "it is false to ascribe to a person a pronoun that does not correspond to such person's sex."

A hearing on the proposed board policy will be held on April 19 at the Florida State Capitol Complex.






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