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2023-04-21 09:39 -ABC  -  281944







PHOTO: President Joe Biden convenes the fourth virtual leader-level meeting of the Major Economies Forum (MEF) on Energy and Climate at the White House in Washington, April 20, 2023.









Biden could announce 2024 reelection run as soon as next week, aides say

President Joe Biden’s aides have told allies they could be ready to announce arun for reelectionas soon as next week.

Next Tuesday is seen as a likely target as it would be the four year anniversary of his 2020 announcement.

Democratic donors are being invited to Washington, D.C., with strategy sessions planned for later next week. The White House declined to comment.

Bidentold ABC News’ David Muirin February it’s his “intention” to run for a second term, though he’s yet to make any official announcement.

"[M]y intention is -- from -- has -- intention has been from the beginning to run. But there's too many other things we have to finish in the near term before I start a campaign," he told Muir at the White House.

At 80, Biden is the oldest serving president in U.S. history and would be 82 if he ran for reelection and won. Questions about his physical and mental acuity will likely be on voters' minds if he does run again.

Biden told Muir age wasn't part of his calculation on whether to launch a 2024 bid but said it was "totally legitimate" for people to raise issues about it.

"And the only thing I can say is watch me," he said.

White House Dr. Kevin O'Connor recentlysaidBiden was "fit to successfully execute" his duties as commander in chief following his second physical as president.

Biden has teased a 2024 campaign several times in recent weeks, includingjoking with Bruce Springsteenat a White House ceremony that "some people are born to run."

Biden hasn't faced much pressure to formally declare his candidacy as the Democratic Party's remained largely united behind him. So far, just two Democrats, Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., have announced longshot bids to challenge him.

Meanwhile, on the Republican side there are already a number of candidates who've tossed their hat into the 2024 ring -- including former President Donald Trump -- and several more are expected to do so in the near future.






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