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2023-06-21 09:05 -ABC  -  226064






这些指控不太可能让共和党内的那些人满意,他们一直专注于在没有提供证据的情况下瞄准他们所谓的“拜登犯罪家族”,以及那些在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)被起诉后抨击他们认为是双层司法系统的人。





PHOTO: Hunter Biden and his father, then Vice President Joe Biden, attend the World Food Program USA's Annual McGovern-Dole Leadership Award Ceremony at Organization of American States, April 12, 2016, in Washington, D.C.


Teresa Kroeger/Getty Images,文件

政府此前强调,拜登总统和白宫都没有与司法部讨论过这项调查,司法部长梅里克·加兰(Merrick Garland)在3月份还表示,检察官的工作没有受到任何干扰。

2022年4月,白宫办公厅主任罗恩·克莱恩(Ron Klain)在美国广播公司(ABC)的“本周”(This Week)节目中表示,“这是一个将由司法部通过法律程序决定的问题。”。"这是白宫没有人参与的事情。"



2022年10月,拜登对美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)的杰克·塔珀(Jake Tapper)说:“我相信他是——他说的和做的,与发生的事情是一致的。”。“例如,他写了一本关于他的问题的书,并且很坦率。我为他感到骄傲。”

在他2021年的回忆录《美好的事物》(Beautiful Things)中,亨特·拜登详细描述了他与毒瘾的斗争(他说,在2015年他的哥哥博·拜登因脑癌去世后,他的毒瘾进入了一个更黑暗的阶段),以及他的家庭关系和他在父亲的政治生涯中试图建立一个成功的商业生涯。








“我们的系统坏了!”特朗普在Truth Social上写道。





As a father, Joe Biden has long defended son Hunter, despite controversy

It seems clear from his comments over the years that the fatherly relationshipJoe Bidenhas with his son Hunter outweighs concerns about appearances and political implications.

Biden has long maintained he was confident Hunter, 53, one of his two surviving children, had done nothing nefarious amid a federal investigation into the younger Biden's tax affairs and overseas business dealings.

"First of all, my son's done nothing wrong," Biden told MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle last month as prosecutors neared the end of their probe. "I trust him. I have faith in him. And it impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him."

On Tuesday, Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to a pair of tax-related misdemeanors, potentially bringing an end to the probe. The younger Biden will acknowledge failure to pay taxes on income he received in 2017 and 2018, and struck a deal with prosecutors regarding a felony charge related to illegal possession of a firearm.

The development comes just as President Biden hasbegun campaigning for a second term,and as congressional Republicans attempt at every turn to paint the first family as corrupt.

The charges are unlikely to satisfy those in the GOP who've been laser-focused on targeting what they call, without providing evidence, the "Biden crime family" and those lashing out at what they perceive to be a two-tiered system of justice in the wake of Donald Trump's indictments.

The White House had largely avoided commenting on the investigation carried out by U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a Trump appointee, but maintained the president and his son never discussed the latter's business dealings.

After news broke Tuesday of Hunter Biden's plea agreement, White House spokesperson Ian Sams released a short statement.

"The President and First Lady love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life," Sams said. "We will have no further comment."

Biden later responded to questions shouted by reporters about Hunter Biden by stating, "I'm very proud of my son."

The administration had previously emphasized neither President Biden nor the White House had discussed the probe with the Justice Department, and Attorney General Merrick Garland said as recently as March prosecutors were operating free from any interference.

"That's a matter that's going to be decided by the Justice Department, by the legal process," White House chief of staff Ron Klain said on ABC's "This Week" in April 2022. "It's something that no one at the White House has involvement in."

The investigation began in 2018 and became public in December 2020, just after Biden became president-elect. At the time, Biden's transition team released a statement saying Biden remained "deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger."

The president commented on the issue only a handful of times since then, each time coming to the younger Biden's defense andoccasionally bristlingat questions and accusations about his son's conduct.

"I'm confident that he is -- what he says, and does, are consistent with what happens," Biden told CNN's Jake Tapper in October 2022. "And, for example, he wrote a book about his problems, and was straightforward about it. I'm proud of him."

In his 2021 memoir "Beautiful Things," Hunter Biden detailed his struggle with drug addiction (which he said entered a darker phase after the death of his brother Beau Biden from brain cancer in 2015) as well as his familial relationships and his attempt to build a successful business career during his father's political career.

Hunter Bidendescribedwhen his father came to check on him during one of his benders, writing: "He looked aghast at what he saw. He asked if I was okay and I told him, sure, I was fine. 'I know you're not fine, Hunter,' he said, studying me, scanning the apartment. 'You need help.' I looked into my dad's eyes and saw an expression of despair, an expression of fear."

Hunter Biden has been visible at recent White House events, appearing at his father's side at a state dinner for French President Emmanuel Macron and at the Kennedy Center Honors in Washington. He also accompanied President Biden during his trip to Ireland.

When asked by CBS News' "60 Minutes" correspondent Scott Pelley last September if any of Hunter Biden's troubles have caused "conflicts for you or for the United States," Biden said no.

"I love my son, number one. He fought -- an addiction problem," Biden responded. "He overcame it. He wrote about it. And no, there's not a single thing that I've observed at all from th-- that would affect me or the United States relative to my son Hunter."

It remains to be seen how the charges against him will impact President Biden's reelection bid.

House Republicans have used their majority to launch an investigation and hold various hearings into Hunter Biden's private dealings. House Oversight Chair James Comer, R-Ky., vowed Tuesday to continue those efforts.

Trump -- who faces multiple legal troubles of his own, including federal charges for his alleged mishandling of classified documents -- on Tuesday alleged Hunter Biden was slapped with "a mere 'traffic ticket.'"

"Our system is BROKEN!" Trump wrote on Truth Social.

President Biden's last presidential campaign, too, faced swirling questions about his son and then Republicans were ultimately unsuccessful in their attempt to tie Biden to his son in the minds of voters.

Amid scandals proliferating during the 2020 presidential campaign, the younger Biden gave somepersonal interviewsdiscussing his addiction struggles and his past relationships, including one with his brother's widow Hallie.

In a 2019 sit down with ABC News, he defended the ethical implications of his private business dealings but conceded a misstep in failing to foresee the political implications on his father's career.

"In retrospect, look, I think that it was poor judgment on my part. Is that I think that it was poor judgment because I don't believe now, when I look back on it -- I know that there was -- did nothing wrong at all," Hunter Biden said. "However, was it poor judgment to be in the middle of something that is...a swamp in many ways? Yeah."






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