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2023-07-03 10:33 -ABC  -  250212

Climate COP26 Summit

2021年11月2日,星期二,在苏格兰格拉斯哥的苏格兰活动校园(SEC)举行的Cop26峰会期间,英国查尔斯王子(左)在双边会议之前问候美国总统乔·拜登。停留; 居住



据白金汉宫称,拜登将于下周日在伦敦开始他的行程,并于次日在温莎城堡会见查理三世国王。总统没有参加查尔斯五月的加冕典礼,只派了第一夫人吉尔·拜登代表美国。6月,拜登在白宫接待了英国首相里什·苏纳克(Rishi Sunak),两位领导人承诺继续合作保卫乌克兰。


北约会议是在这场战争的最新关键时刻召开的。乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)表示,随着乌克兰军队开始夺回该国东南部的领土,针对俄罗斯军队的反攻和防御行动正在进行中。









Biden's upcoming European trip is meant to boost NATO against Russia as the war in Ukraine drags on

WASHINGTON --WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will head to Europe at week's end for a three-country trip intended to bolster the international coalition against Russian aggression as the war inUkraineextends well into its second year.

The main focus of Biden’s five-day visit will be the annual NATO summit, held this year in Vilnius, Lithuania. Also planned are stops in Helsinki, Finland, to commemorate the Nordic country’s entrance into the 31-nation military alliance in April, and Britain, the White House announced Sunday.

Biden will begin his trip next Sunday in London, and will meet with King Charles III at Windsor Castle the next day, according to Buckingham Palace. The president did not attend Charles’s coronation in May, sending first ladyJill Bidento represent the United States. In June, Biden hosted British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the White House, where the two leaders pledged continued cooperation in defending Ukraine.

Sunak's office said he looked forward to welcoming Biden and that their meeting would build on earlier visits.

The NATO meeting comes at the latest critical point in the war. Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, says counteroffensive and defensive actions against Russian forces are underway as Ukrainian troops start to recapture territory in the southeastern part of the country, according to its military leaders.

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s secretary-general, visited the White House on June 13, where he and Biden made clear that the Western alliance was united in defending Ukraine. Biden said during that meeting that he and other NATO leaders will work to ensure that each member country spends the requisite 2% of its gross domestic product on defense.

“The NATO allies have never been more united. We both worked like hell to make sure that happened. And so far, so good,” Biden said as he sat alongside Stoltenberg, who is expected to extend his term for another year. "We see our joint strength in modernizing the relationship within NATO, as well as providing assistance to defense capabilities to Ukraine.

When Finland joined NATO in April, it effectively doubled Russia’s border with the world’s biggest security alliance. Biden has highlighted the strengthened NATO alliance as a signal of Moscow’s declining influence.

Sweden is also seeking entry into NATO, although alliance members Turkey and Hungary have yet to endorse the move. Biden will host Sweden’s prime minister, Ulf Kristersson, at the White House on Wednesday in a show of solidarity as the United States presses for the Nordic nation’s entry into NATO.

Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has said Sweden is too lax on terrorist groups and security threats. Stoltenberg has said Sweden has met its obligations for membership through toughening anti-terrorist laws and other measures.

Hungary’s reasons for opposing Sweden have been less defined, complaining about Sweden’s criticism of democratic backsliding and the erosion of rule of law. Hungary, while providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine, has also sought to balance its relations between NATO and Russia. Budapest is heavily reliant on Russia for its energy requirements.

All nations in the alliance have to ratify the entry of a new member country.

The White House has stressed that Sweden has fulfilled its commitments to join NATO and has urged that it join the alliance expeditiously.






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