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佐治亚州法院驳回特朗普要求撤销DA 2020年选举调查的请求

2023-07-18 08:31 -ABC  -  406343

佐治亚州最高法院周一驳回了前总统唐纳德·特朗普的请求取消工作富尔顿县地方检察官范尼·威利斯(Fani Willis)和一个特别大陪审团的调查结果,她被召集来审查她在2020年总统大选后涉嫌不当行为的调查证据。






PHOTO: Former President Donald Trump speaks at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., June 13, 2023.






Georgia court denies Trump's request to quash DA's 2020 election probe

The Supreme Court of Georgia on Monday denied former President Donald Trump's request toquash the workof Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and the findings of a special grand jury she empaneled to review evidence in her probe of alleged misconduct in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.

"This is not the sort of relief that this Court affords, at least absent extraordinary circumstances that Petitioner has not shown are present here," the court wrote in a five-page order.

Willis officially launched the probe in February 2021, sparked in part by the now-infamous Jan. 2, 2021,phone callTrump made to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which Trump pleaded with Raffensperger to "find 11,780 votes," the exact number Trump needed to win Georgia.

Trump has publicly denounced the investigation and has denied all wrongdoing in his phone call to Raffensperger.

Attorneys for Trump last week asked the court to step in and remove Willis from the probe and invalidate the work of the special grand jury. They took issue with Willis' authority to investigate the matter and cited Trump's bid for the presidency in 2024 as part of their argument.

All the justices of the state's Supreme Court agreed that Trump had not met a standard that would merit such an intervention, concluding that he failed to meet the "extremely rare circumstances" that would be necessary.

The special grand jury, which was disbanded in January, did not have the ability to return an indictment -- only to make recommendations concerning criminal prosecutions. In the publicly released portion of thefinal reportit submitted, the special grand jury revealed no details about any such recommendations, beyond recommending that prosecutors seek indictments against witnesses who they believed may have lied during their testimony.

Last week, Judge Robert McBurney swore in anew grand jurythat could ultimately decide the fate of the investigation -- including a vote on potential charges against the former president.

Willis hassignaled publiclythat potential charges could be brought as soon as this summer.


下一篇:如果在2024年当选,Asa Hutchinson预览改革联邦执法的新计划




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