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2023-07-25 16:36 -ABC  -  409823



在接受美国广播公司(ABC)“本周”(This Week)联合主播玛莎·拉达茨(Martha Raddatz)的采访时,Inslee是民主党在应对气候变化方面最响亮的声音之一,他严肃地谈到了不断变化的世界的威胁:“导火索已经燃烧了几十年,现在气候变化炸弹已经爆炸了。科学家告诉我们这是一个新时代。这是后果的时代。”






“我们不能等唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)来解决这个问题。我们没有时间浪费在等待这个傻瓜来解决这个问题,”他说。“我们只是要确保他不在办公室。我们这样做的方式是投票反对否认气候变化的人。投票反对那些拒绝帮助我们应对道德和经济危机的人。”

Inslee还抨击了佛罗里达州的共和党州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis),他和特朗普一样,将在2024年竞选总统。Inslee提到了佛罗里达海岸异常高的水温,这可能严重影响珊瑚礁中的海洋生物根据美国国家海洋和大气管理局的数据。















'The Earth is screaming at us': Gov. Inslee calls for climate action amid record heat

The record-high temperatures recorded around the world show "the climate change bomb has gone off" and Americans must push "further and faster" for solutions -- including voting against "climate deniers" like former President Donald Trump -- Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said Sunday.

"What the scientific community is telling us now is that the Earth is screaming at us," Inslee said.

In an interview with ABC "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz, Inslee, one of the Democratic Party's loudest voices on addressing climate, spoke gravely about the threat of a changing world: "The fuse has been burning for decades, and now the climate change bomb has gone off. The scientists are telling us that this is the new age. This is the age of consequences."

Earth's 20 hottest days ever recorded have all occurred this July, amid scorching heat impacting hundreds of millions of people around the world. In the United States, cities in the South and Southwest have experienced record streaks of high temperatures, including Phoenix, which has had 23 consecutive days when the temperature reached at least 110 degrees.

Despite this unprecedented heat wave, the "good news," Inslee said on "This Week," is "we can do this. We're electrifying our transportation fleet. We're electrifying our homes."

"This is a solvable problem. But we need to stop using fossil fuels," Inslee said. "That is the only solution to this massive assault on humanity."

He touted Washington state's record on the issue: "This is not just something for the federal government. States can act." Embracing alternative fuels, battery production and more has financial as well as moral value, Inslee said, describing it as "inventing a new economy."

But there is no time to waste, he contended. When pressed by Raddatz on how to persuade climate change skeptics like Trump and his supporters, who dismiss the scientific consensus about what's happening, Inslee said the solution was simple.

"We can't wait for Donald Trump to figure this out. We don't have time to mess around to wait for this knucklehead to figure this out," he said. "We just got to make sure he's not in office. And the way we do this is vote against climate deniers. Vote against people who refuse to assist this moral and economic crisis that we have."

Inslee also slammed Florida's Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who like Trump is running for president in 2024. Inslee referenced unusually high water temperatures off the coast of Florida, which could significantly affect marine life in coral reefs, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

"When Ron DeSantis wants to go swim, he can't because the water is like a sauna," Inslee said.

Raddatz pressed him on how to get other countries, such as China -- the No. 1 emitter of carbon dioxide -- invested in climate change as a worldwide issue, given that officials have acknowledged any truly effective solution must be collective.

In a separate appearance on "This Week," Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas agreed that the warming climate is concerning but said China must be pushed to do its fair share.

"Time is running out. ... So what do you do? How do you bring others together?" Raddatz asked Inslee.

"We need to lead. And we need to lead not just from a moral standpoint but from our self-interest standpoint," Inslee said. "We need to build these jobs here and build these economies here."

Cities like Palm Springs, California, have been feeling the effects of the extremely high temperatures in the South and Southwest U.S.

In a "This Week" interview on Sunday, Palm Springs Mayor Grace Elena Garner said hot weather is not unusual for her desert city in the Coachella Valley.

But as a lifelong resident, Garner said the extended period of triple-digit days is less typical and more dangerous.

"We have workers who are outside every day doing gardening, working on A/C repair -- and then, of course, our unhoused -- and those populations are really getting the brunt of this impact," she said.

Firefighters and the local hospital have also had to respond to more heat-related emergencies, she said.

"What I'm concerned about is the rest of the country, the rest of the world, who is experiencing this extreme heat for the very first time," Garner said. "When your body isn't used to these high temperatures, it can go into a shock."

Her city is monitoring the potential stress on its electrical grid and is working to provide cooling centers and shelters for people without homes while creating more shaded public areas, Garner said.

Still, "we absolutely need more support," she said, such as funding for electric vehicles, more shade construction and more housing.

"We need to reduce the impacts of climate change," Garner said. "We are just going to see this get worse and worse."






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