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2023-07-27 10:00 -ABC  -  405084







“这一裁决是一个胜利,但拜登政府每天都在延长对其非法禁令的斗争,许多逃离迫害和为家人寻求安全庇护的人反而处于严重的危险之中,”说美国公民自由联盟移民权利项目副主任Katrina Eiland对此案进行了辩论。“美国的承诺是充当自由和希望的灯塔,政府能够也应该更好地履行这一承诺,而不是延续背叛它的残酷和无效的政策。”

就在法官乔恩·蒂加尔(Jon Tigar)周二做出阻止政府庇护限制的裁决几个小时后,司法部提出了一项动议,要求在上诉期间暂缓执行该命令,并提出了一项紧急动议,要求缩短批准暂缓执行的时间。法院踢凌空的球裁决紧急动议另一天,说司法部没有证明法院有充分的理由在原告有机会表达反对意见之前发布裁决,并给他们7月26日下午5点之前提交他们的回应。




该政策在第42章于5月11日结束后生效,规定移民在到达美国之前必须在他们经过的国家申请庇护。此外,根据政府的说法,移民必须使用CBP One应用程序申请庇护,以控制边境的移民流量。它的有效期只有两年。


Biden administration criticizes ruling striking down asylum policy

The Biden administration expressed a federal judge's ruling striking down the Biden administration'sasylum policythat established a "rebuttable presumption" of asylum ineligibility.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said he disagreed with the court's ruling.

"It does not limit our ability to deliver consequences for unlawful entry," hesaid. "Do not believe the lies of smugglers. Those who fail to use one of the many lawful pathways we have expanded will be presumed ineligible for asylum and, if they do not have a basis to remain, will be subject to prompt removal, a minimum five-year bar on admission, and potential criminal prosecution for unlawful reentry."

Shortly after the decision was handed down, the Justice Department said it stood by the policy.

"We remain confident in our position that the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways rule is a lawful exercise of the broad authority granted by the immigration laws," a spokesperson for the Justice Department said.

PHOTO: Immigrants, most from Venezuela, are escorted by Mexican immigration agents after being expelled from the United States on Jan. 9, 2023 in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

Immigrants, most from Venezuela, are escorted by Mexican immigration agents after being expelled from the United States on Jan. 9, 2023 in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

John Moore/Getty Images, FILE

Immigration advocates, however, see the ruling as a victory.

"The ruling is a victory, but each day the Biden administration prolongs the fight over its illegal ban, many people fleeing persecution and seeking safe harbor for their families are instead left in grave danger,"saidKatrina Eiland, deputy director of the ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project, who argued the case. "The promise of America is to serve as a beacon of freedom and hope, and the administration can and should do better to fulfill this promise, rather than perpetuate cruel and ineffective policies that betray it."

Just hours after Judge Jon Tigar's ruling on Tuesday blocking the administration's asylum restrictions, the Justice Department filed a motion to stay the order pending appeal and an emergency motion to shorten the time to grant that stay. The courtpuntedruling on the emergency motion for another day, saying that the Justice Department did not demonstrate good cause for the court to issue a ruling before the plaintiffs had the chance to voice their opposition and gave them until July 26 at 5 pm to file their response.

Tigar's Tuesday night ruling found the policy to be "contrary to law" and ordered the policy be ended in two weeks.

"The severity of the agencies' errors in this case counsels strongly in favor of vacatur. The Rule is both substantively and procedurally invalid. The agencies cannot adopt the same rule on remand; as described above, the Rule is contrary to law," Tigar, an Obama appointee,wrote.

In the wake of therollback of Title 42, the Trump administration policy which expelled migrants along the border under the auspices of the pandemic, the Biden administration rolled out a new asylum policy which limited the number of claims that were made at the southern border.

The policy, which took effect after Title 42 ended on May 11, mandated that migrants apply for asylum in the counties that they passed through before reaching the United States. Additionally, migrants would have to use the CBP One App to apply for asylum to control the flow of migrants at the border, according to the administration. It would be in effect for only two years.

U.S. Customs and Border Protectionreported144,571 encounters at the southwest land border in the month of June, marking thelowest monthly totalin fiscal year 2023.






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