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2023-08-14 09:18 -ABC  -  119811

Obit John Scott






玛格丽特·威利斯(Marguerite Willis)在2018年寻求民主党州长提名失败时选择斯科特作为竞选伙伴,她周日告诉美联社(Associated Press),斯科特去世时,她和斯科特的家人在查尔斯顿,她和斯科特最近反思了他们的竞选活动。





斯科特的影响周日在南卡罗来纳州的民主党圈子里引起了反响。Christale Spain今年早些时候当选为南卡罗来纳州民主党主席,也是斯科特的选民之一,他“在大会上用自己的声音不仅为自己的选区,也为所有南卡罗来纳州人而战,他一生在教育、医疗保健和经济发展问题上的工作将对我们的国家产生持久的影响。”



达林顿的州参议员杰拉尔德·马洛伊(Gerald Malloy)记得斯科特是一个“数字人”,他在立法机构“总是有坚定的声音,特别是在金融和数字问题上”,但他的信仰更坚定,担任教堂执事,经常被邀请在各种活动中祈祷。


在2015年州参议员克莱门塔·平克尼(Clementa Pinckney)去世后,斯科特成为了马洛伊的参议员席位搭档,平克尼在查尔斯顿市中心的教堂与八名教区居民一起被枪杀。


South Carolina state Sen. John Scott, longtime Democratic lawmaker, dies at 69

COLUMBIA, S.C. --State Sen. John Scott, a longtime South Carolina lawmaker who served for more than three decades, died Sunday after a stint in the hospital, according to Democrats across the state. He was 69.

Scott had been at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, since Friday, when he was hospitalized for an undisclosed medical issue, according to Senate officials.

In a statement released by Senate President Thomas Alexander, Scott's family said he “passed away peaceably while surrounded by family and close friends.”

Scott, a Columbia Democrat, operated a realty company and had been in the Legislature for more than 30 years, serving most recently on the Senate's judiciary, medical affairs and penology committees. First elected to the state House in 1990, he wonelectionto the Senate in 2008 and would have been up for reelection next year. He ran unopposed in the 2020 general election.

Marguerite Willis, who selected Scott as her running mate when she unsuccessfully sought the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in 2018, told The Associated Press on Sunday that she was with Scott's family in Charleston when he died, and that she and Scott reflected recently on their campaign.

“John and I were just talking about this a month ago,” Willis said. “We were proud of that, and what it said about harmony and diversity and the importance of having both sexes and two races together. It broadened our vision and our experience, and thus our impact.”

Willis, who said she hadn't known Scott until they became running mates, said their political affiliation quickly evolved in a close friendship.

“He was a superb supporter of women and women’s issues,” she said. “It was sort of an arranged marriage in a weird way: people put us together, and over the last five years, we became brother and sister. He was my friend and my family.”

A special election will be held to fill Scott’s seat. According to statute, after the Senate’s presiding officer calls for the election, filing opens on the third Friday after the vacancy, with the election to be held roughly three months later. Gov. Henry McMaster said in statement that Scott “will be deeply missed," and the governor's office said he would order flags lowered across the state once funeral arrangements were announced.

Scott's impact reverberated Sunday throughout South Carolina's Democratic circles. Christale Spain, elected earlier this year as chair of South Carolina’s Democratic Party and one of Scott's constituents, remembered him as someone who “used his voice in the General Assembly to fight not only for his district but for all South Carolinians and his life’s work on issues of education, healthcare and economic development will have a lasting impact on our state.”

Senate Democratic Leader Brad Hutto remembered Scott’s “tireless work ethic, his willingness to bridge divides, and his unyielding commitment to the principles of justice and equality.”

“A giant tree has fallen,” former Democratic state Sen. Marlon Kimpson, who served alongside Scott before leaving the chamber earlier this year, said Sunday.

State Sen. Gerald Malloy, D-Darlington, remembered Scott as a “numbers man” who was “always a solid voice particularly on financial and numerical matters” in the Legislature, but was even stronger in his faith, serving as a church deacon and often called on to pray at various events.

“John’s OK,” Malloy told AP on Sunday. “Looking back on what he did and his service, the only thing you can really say is that all is well with his soul, and job well done.”

Scott became Malloy’s Senate seat mate after the 2015 death of state Sen. Clementa Pinckney, who was gunned down along with eight parishioners in his downtown Charleston church.

“It will be a sad day to see that black drape on that seat, yet again,” an emotional Malloy said of the funereal cloth used to mark the seats of lawmakers who die during their terms in office. “It’s a reminder as to our humanity, and how precious life is.”






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