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2023-08-17 09:49 -ABC  -  258619






销售精油的营销公司doTerra的创始人格雷格·库克(Greg Cook)在接受美国广播公司(ABC)采访时表示,他“一点也不担心”德桑蒂斯在全国和早期提名州的民意调查结果。



丹·埃伯哈特(Dan Eberhart)是德桑蒂斯的捐赠者,也是科罗拉多州丹佛市钻井服务公司Canary的首席执行官,他已经向竞选活动捐赠了近1万美元,并与库克有着相同的观点:他认为德桑蒂斯是对抗特朗普的最佳人选。








哈尔·兰伯特(Hal Lambert)是共和党的大捐赠者,也是投资管理公司Point Bridge Capital的首席执行官,他曾是特朗普的支持者,现在支持德桑蒂斯竞选总统。兰伯特反驳了“捐助者正在远离(州长)的说法。”


PHOTO: Hal Lambert at the Victory Reception, National Building Museum, in Washington D.C., Jan 18, 2017.










另一位与德桑蒂斯结盟的超级政治行动委员会(super PAC)的高美元捐助者永不退缩(Never Back Down)也在匿名的情况下接受了美国广播公司(ABC)的采访,他告诉记者,他在寻找他认为能够为经济带来贡献的最佳人选,对他来说,这个人就是德桑蒂斯。





Donors still sticking with DeSantis despite campaign struggles

Florida Gov.Ron DeSantis'presidential campaign has gone through several internal and external challenges, but many of his donors say they are standing beside the "only candidate who can beat [former President Donald] Trump."

Over the past month, DeSantis' campaign has dealt with many struggles: a recent campaign manager change, cuts tomore than one-third of the campaign staff, financial troubles and dips inthe polls.

On top of that, DeSantis' donor base is facing tumult. His biggest individual donor, hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow,told Reutersthat he would not donate any more money unless the Florida governor attracts new major donors and adopts a more moderate approach. GOP billionaire Thomas Peterffypaused his financial backingof the governor in April due to his stances on social issues.

But despite the challenges, some of the governor's most ardent donors are continuing to supporting him, saying he is still the best person for the presidency. ABC News spoke with many prominent donors to learn why they are sticking with DeSantis.


Greg Cook, founder of doTerra, a marketing company that sells essential oils, told ABC News in an interview that he isn't "the least bit concerned" about how DeSantis is polling nationally and in the early nominated states.

"It is early and Gov. DeSantis is proving to be the only conservative alternative to former President Donald Trump," Cook said. "Republican voters will quickly understand like I have, that Gov. DeSantis can accomplish far more with two full remaining terms."

Cook has supported the governor for a while, donating to his 2022 reelection campaign as Florida governor and most recentlydonating $6,600 to his presidential campaignand $50,000 to the DeSantis-aligned super PAC, Never Back Down.

Dan Eberhart, a DeSantis donor and CEO of Canary -- a Denver, Colorado-based drilling-services company, has donated nearly $10,000 to the campaign, and shares the same sentiments as Cook: that he believes DeSantis is the best candidate to take on Trump.

"The national polls don't matter at this point," Eberhart said. "DeSantis is the only candidate who can beat Trump. No one else is close in the polling."

Cash flow

Cook said he isn't concerned about the DeSantis campaign's spending -- specifically that the campaign burned through nearly $8 million in the first six weeks of his campaign, according to financial filings.

"Every candidacy is a start-up venture. Now is the time to make adjustments where necessary. The campaign team owned up to strategically trying a number of different approaches and have made some changes based on the data. The team is becoming more focused and efficient on what will give Gov. DeSantis the best opportunity to introduce himself to the early nominating states and the nation."

DeSantis' campaign spending was more of a concern for Eberhart, but he said they are working to limit overspending. In the past month, DeSantis let go more than one-third of his staff to address spending concerns.

"There's no perfect formula, but DeSantis is working to get it right," Eberhart said. "I'm still supporting and still think he wins."

Beating Trump

Hal Lambert, a GOP megadonor and CEO of investment-management firm Point Bridge Capital, is a former Trump backer who is now supporting DeSantis for president. Lambert pushed back against "the narrative that the donors are pulling away from the [governor]."

"Many donors, they follow politics ... but they're susceptible just like the general public to watching these polls and you have poll after poll after poll now coming out showing DeSantis isn't gaining ground against Trump," Lambert said.

It's tough to trust the polls this early, Lambert said, adding that no matter what the polls say, he thinks DeSantis is the best candidate to defeat Trump.

"He is the only candidate that can beat Trump in the primary and if Trump is the nominee, we will lose the general election in a landslide," Lambert said.

Although Trump continues his strong lead in the GOP primary, DeSantis is second, trailing the president 52.7% to 14%, according to FiveThirtyEight's national polling average.

Retail politics

Another criticism DeSantis has received since hitting the campaign trail is not being able to do retail politics -- intimate events in rural towns. But for some donors, that is not crucial.

A Florida-based donor, who requested anonymity to speak freely, told ABC News that it's not important to him if the governor does not get better at retail politics, saying that DeSantis' record speaks for itself.

"Even if he doesn't [improve at retail politics], that shouldn't disqualify [him]. I mean, I want my president to be pleasant, don't get me wrong. But mostly, what I want in the president are the things that Ron displayed during COVID and I don't believe any of that was calculated. I believe it was just leadership."

Another high-dollar donor to the DeSantis-aligned super PAC, Never Back Down, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity, told ABC News that he looks for the best person he believes can deliver on the economy, and for him that is DeSantis.

"I think this is a very well-educated man… He's does an exceptionally good job with Florida. He can do an exceptionally good job for the country and I think for the world," said the donor, who identified himself as "politically agnostic." "I think his will is strong. I think economically, he'll help the country."

While that anonymous donor supported DeSantis' leadership in Florida, he has drawn criticism for many decisions under his tenure including the state's newcontroversial educational guidelinesconcerning Black history, theinsurance crisisin the state anda ban on teaching about sexual orientation and gender identityin some K-12 classrooms.

When asked for a comment, DeSantis' campaign communication director, Andrew Romeo, thanked donors who have backed the campaign.

"Our campaign is grateful for the tens of thousands of grassroots supporters -- and major donors -- who have made it possible for us to build an unmatched organization in the early nominating states with the ability to compete for the long haul," Romeo said.






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