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2023-08-18 13:39 -ABC  -  568821

周一,富尔顿县地方检察官法妮·威利斯发出第四份起诉书今年前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)被捕,这次是因为与特朗普及其同伙试图推翻佐治亚州2020年选举结果有关的活动。特朗普的总统初选对手中有谁可能赢得共和党提名的实际机会借此机会攻击特朗普?



科技企业家Vivek Ramaswamy和南卡罗来纳州参议员Tim Scott有时都在两位数的民调中领先,他们也回应了早些时候关于法律系统进一步政治化的评论。周一晚上在市政厅,拉马斯瓦米描述了乔治亚州的指控“通过起诉进行政治化的迫害”,当天早些时候说他会自愿写一份法庭之友的辩护状支持特朗普。拉马斯瓦米此前曾表示他会赦免特朗普,以及提交了信息自由法案申请6月,向司法部寻求与起诉特朗普的决定有关的文件。在爱荷华州博览会上,斯科特被称为最新的起诉“非美国”,认为该法律“被用来对付政治对手。”六月,斯科特描述了司法部对特朗普涉嫌不当处理机密文件的起诉是一个“严重指控的严重案件”,但也是法律系统针对共和党人的。而支持率较低的北达科他州州长道格·伯根提供了相同说辞的更温和版本他认为“人们对两级司法体系的担忧”是“比任何起诉都更大的问题”








Trump's Republican Opponents Are Still Refusing To Attack Him — Even After Four Indictments

After former President Donald Trump was indicted for the fourth time on Monday, it’s been mostly anti-Trump candidates with little chance of winning the primary who have criticized him.

After former President Donald Trump was indicted for the fourth time on Monday, it’s been mostly anti-Trump candidates with little chance of winning the primary who have criticized him.


On Monday, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willisissued the fourth indictmentof former President Donald Trump this year, this time for activities related to Trump and associates’ attempts to overturn the 2020 election result in Georgia. Have any of Trump’s presidential primary opponents who might havean actual chance of winning the GOP nominationtaken this opportunity to attack Trump?

Not really, no. Trumpleads FiveThirtyEight’s national polling averageby nearly 40 percentage points ahead over the second-place candidate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Yet much like after the first three indictments, it’s been the unmistakably anti-Trump candidates with little chance of victory who have mainly dinged Trump over the Georgia indictment. By comparison, the candidates who might have even a remote chance of defeating Trump — those with high favorability numbers among Republicans — largely eschewed attacking the front-runner and went after the legal system instead.

Potentially competitive contenders mostly focused their ire on the supposed weaponization of the legal system against Trump. “I think it’s an example of this criminalization of politics,”said DeSantis, who also expressed skepticism about the use of Georgia’s anti-racketeering statute to pursue alleged crimes related to political activity. Following afederal indictment of Trumpon charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election earlier this month, DeSantis raised some eyebrowsby stating publicly that Trump had lost the 2020 election— something he had long avoided doing. And following the Georgia news, DeSantisdid reiterate that he would be a stronger pick than Trumpto win in 2024 and implement “America First” policies. But DeSantis’s initial reaction to the Georgia indictment, which broadly addresses Trump’s behavior over the 2020 election result, suggests that he’s not looking to make a dramatic shift in his rhetoric.

Tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, who have both sometimes polled in the double digits, also echoed earlier comments about the further politicization of the legal system. At a town hall Monday night, Ramaswamydescribed the Georgia chargesas “politicized persecutions through prosecution,” having earlier in the daysaid he would volunteer to write an amicus briefin support of Trump. Ramaswamyhas previously said he would pardon Trump, andfiled a Freedom of Information Act requestin June seeking documents from the Department of Justice relating to the decision to indict Trump. At the Iowa State Fair, Scottcalled the latest indictment“un-American,” arguing that the law was “being weaponized against political opponents.” In June, Scotthad describedthe Justice Department’s indictment of Trump over alleged mishandling of classified documents a “serious case with serious allegations,” but also that the legal system was targeting Republicans. For his part, lower-polling North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgumoffered a milder version of the same rhetoric, arguing that the fact “people are worried about a two-tiered system of justice” is “a bigger issue than any indictment.”

Of course, it’s entirely understandable why these candidateshave once againavoided hitting Trump over his legal troubles. Winning the GOP primary will require threading the needle of attracting support from a mostly pro-Trump party without alienating Trump-supporting voters by criticizing Trump. Attacking Trump brings few positives, whereas proximity to Trump in a world where he’s not running would be an asset. A June survey fromYouGov/CBS Newsfound that, if Trump couldn’t be the nominee, 74 percent of Republican primary voters would prefer a nominee “similar to Trump,” while only 26 percent said they’d want someone “different from Trump.” Additionally,two-thirdsofRepublicans don’t thinkTrump’s loss in the 2020 election was legitimate, so the specifics of the federal and Georgia indictments regarding his actions to overturn the election don’t necessarily hold much sway with primary voters.

Moreover, while there are some signs thatTrump’s favorability has ticked downin the wake of his indictments, he remains quite popular with the party base. His net favorability among Republicansin recent polls is about +50; only DeSantis is close to him on that score. Granted, candidates like Scott and Ramaswamy aren’t nearly as well-known as Trump or DeSantis, which may allow for a higher ceiling of potential support.

Turning to themore anti-Trump or Trump-skeptical contenders, former Vice President Mike Pence has been more critical recently, and his initial comments after the Georgia indictment had a similar tone. On Wednesday,Pence rejected the notionthat the 2020 result in Georgia was stolen, although he also employed a linehe’s used in the pastby noting Trump still has the “presumption of innocence.” Nonetheless, Pence’s reaction comes on the heels of his sterner comments earlier this month after the federal indictment regarding Trump’s 2020 actions.Pence said that Trump pressured him“essentially to overturn the election” and argued that anyone who put himself “over the Constitution” shouldn’t be president.

Beyond Pence, the vocal anti-Trump candidates in the race mostly echoed their previous denouncements of Trump, too. Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinsonsaid the latest indictmentwas further evidence that Trump had “disqualified himself” from holding the presidency again, while former Texas Rep. Will Hurdsaid it was“another example of how the former president’s baggage will hand Joe Biden reelection if Trump is the Republican nominee.” In a departure from his responses to earlier indictments, though, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s initial comments on the Georgia indictmentmostly focused on how he viewed itas “unnecessary” given the federal charges Trump faces (whichChristie saidhe didn’t think were “political” at the time). Still, this was a far cry from the weaponization language used by other Republicans who haven’t embraced an anti-Trump posture.

As for the two major candidates we’ve yet to discuss, both former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez have sought to steer something of a middle path. Haley has yet to make a public remark about the Georgia indictment,1but ahead of the expected charges, shetried to avoid sharp criticismof Trump by mostly sticking to a line that Trump’s legal troubles distract from the many important issues facing the country. Somewhat similarly, Suarez said on Wednesday that the latest indictment is a “victory for Washington” that continues to dominate the news even though he felt voters weren’t interested in it.

All in all, the latest indictment of Trump has not prompted any of his rivals to pivot in how they approach Trump’s dominant position in both the news and in the Republican primary. None of this is going away, however. For the foreseeable future, the rest of the GOP field will have to continue to decide how to address Trump’s legal issues within the context of their own presidential aspirations.






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