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2023-08-22 08:41 -ABC  -  445316

一名富尔顿县法官在地区检察官范尼·威利斯(Fani Willis)处将前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的保证金定为20万美元选举干预案.


除了川普,富尔顿县高等法院法官斯科特·麦卡菲(Scott McAfee)周一还为律师约翰·伊斯曼(John Eastman)和肯尼斯·切塞布罗(Kenneth Chesebro)设定了10万美元的保证金,雷·史密斯三世(Charles III)设定了5万美元的保证金,斯科特·霍尔(Scott Hall)设定了1万美元的保证金。





PHOTO: Former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at the Moms for Liberty meeting in Philadelphia, June 30, 2023.




律师斯科特·格鲁曼(Scott Grubman)说,“事情非常简单,我们与地方检察官办公室开了一次会,达成了协议,签署了文件,老实说,拿到复印件比谈判花的时间还长。”。










切塞布罗面临七项指控,包括两项一级共谋伪造罪。根据起诉书,他涉嫌“推进阴谋”,包括向共同被告迈克尔·罗曼(Michael Roman)发送关于特朗普在其他州的总统选举人提名的电子邮件。





Trump's bond set at $200,000 in Fulton County election interference case

A Fulton County judge has set former President Donald Trump's bond at $200,000 in District Attorney Fani Willis'election interference case.

Trump and the other 18 defendants in the case have been given untilFriday at noonto appear at the Fulton County Jail for processing. The former president said Monday evening on his Truth Social platform that he would be going to Atlanta to be booked on Thursday.

In addition to Trump, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee set bond Monday for attorneys John Eastman and Kenneth Chesebro at $100,000, for Ray Smith III at $50,000, and for Scott Hall at $10,000.

All the defendants' bond agreements include a provision that they "shall perform no act to intimidate any person known to him or her to be a codefendant or witness in this case or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice."

Trump's bond agreement says that includes "no direct or indirect threat" against codefendants or witnesses.

"The above shall include, but are not limited to, posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual on social media," his agreement says.

All defendants are also prohibited from communicating about the facts of the case with codefendants, except through counsel.

An attorney for Cheseboro said on his way out of the district attorney's office Monday that the bond negotiation process was a "pretty good process" and that he would "look forward to moving forward."

"It was very straightforward, we had a meeting with the DA's office, worked out the negotiated deal, signed the paperwork, and honestly it took longer to get copies than it did to negotiate," the attorney, Scott Grubman, said.

Grubman said Cheseboro would surrender for processing at the Fulton Country Jail before the Friday deadline.

Asked if he was concerned about the conditions at the jail, whereseven inmates have diedthis year, Grubman said, "Just like any jail, there's clearly issues in the Fulton Rice Street Jail."

"But I think its going to hopefully be as soon as possible, and we appreciate their cooperation," Grubman said, praising the sheriff's team.

As ABC News has previously reported, after an indictment has been handed down in Georgia, bond and conditions of release are typically worked out prior to any surrender. The bond can be paid through cash, a commercial surety, or a court program that requires a payment of 10% of the bond amount.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis last week charged Trump and 18 others in a sweepingracketeering indictmentthat alleges they "knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump" in Georgia.

Trump is charged with 13 counts, including three counts of solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer, related in part to the Jan. 2, 2021, phone call he made to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

Trump's campaign called the indictment "un-American and wrong." The former president contends his actions were not illegal and that the investigation is politically motivated.

Eastman is charged with nine counts, including two counts of conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree. The indictment names him as among those allegedly involved in a scheme to solicit public officers to unlawfully appoint Georgia presidential electors.

In a statement to theWashington Examiner, Eastman's attorney said, "The indictment in Georgia versus Donald Trump and 18 others sets out activity that is political, but not criminal."

Chesebro faces seven counts, including two counts of conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree. According to the indictment, he allegedly acted "in furtherance of the conspiracy" by, among other acts, sending emails to co-defendant Michael Roman regarding Trump presidential elector nominees in other states.

Grubman, Chesebro's attorney, called the charges "unfounded" and said his client was never in Georgia on behalf of the campaign.

Smith, a Georgia lawyer, is charged with 12 counts, including three counts of solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer. The indictment alleges he was involved in the scheme to solicit public officers to unlawfully appoint Georgia presidential electors.

Hall, a Georgia bail bondsman, is charged with seven counts, including two counts of conspiracy to commit election fraud. He is among those accused of conspiring to commit election fraud in Coffee County, according to the indictment.

All the defendants are also charged with violating Georgia's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act,known as RICO.






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