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2023-08-24 12:37 -ABC  -  493227

科技企业家维韦克·拉马斯瓦米(Vivek Ramaswamy)在民意调查中的支持率有所上升,在改革联邦政府以根除“wokeness”的平台上超过了老牌政客。然而现在,他把他的反体制信息带到了外交政策上——并引发了他可能会在共和党全国委员会的舞台上遇到的反弹周三第一场初选辩论.





“我将通过实际降级来确保我不是战时总统。确保我们有能力拆散这个联盟,做一笔弗拉基米尔·普京会做的交易,因为他理性地超越了他现在的处境。但我们走得更远,”他说,与少数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)等参议院共和党人人的意见相左。





PHOTO: Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy speaks during a campaign stop, Aug. 5, 2023, in Vail, Iowa.






Ramaswamy上周在佐治亚州亚特兰大市的Erick Erickson“聚会”上发表讲话时说,只有在美国实现半导体独立之前,他才会阻止中国入侵台湾。美国通过立法例如《芯片法案》作为一项国家安全措施,微软正致力于加强其芯片制造技术。







拉马斯瓦米对第二轮亚伯拉罕协议的讨论,以色列在2020年达成了正常化协议与多个中东国家的关系,明显呼应了唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)政府在两党支持下的一项关键外交政策成就。据报道,拜登政府一直在探索以色列和沙特阿拉伯之间类似的正常化协议,尽管官员们警告说,任何协议都是一个漫长的过程。




Ramaswamy的发言人Tricia McLaughlin回应Haley的评论说,他们希望她“在美国公司董事会的未来努力中”一切顺利。










Ramaswamy breaks from GOP orthodoxy on foreign policy, sparks pushback ahead of first debate

Tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy has seen a boost in the polls, surpassing established politicians on a platform of revamping the federal government to root out "wokeness." Now, though, he's taken his anti-establishment message to foreign policy -- and sparked backlash along the way that he's likely to confront on stage at the Republican National Committee'sfirst primary debate Wednesday.

ABC News has reviewed some of Ramaswamy's recent remarks to lay out how he plans to tackle foreign policy if elected president.

Ukraine and Russia

In recent days, Ramaswamy has doubled down on his view that Washington's support for Ukraine is not in America's best interest.

Ramaswamy said he would let Russian President Vladimir Putin keepparts of Ukraineunder Moscow's control in exchange for severed ties with China, telling ABC News that "the China-Russia military alliance is the single greatest military threat to the United States" and it's imperative that it be dismantled -- a take he views as a bipartisan, "pro-American policy."

"I will ensure that I'm not a wartime president by actually de-escalating. Make sure that we're in a position to pull apart that alliance, do a deal that yes, Vladimir Putin would do because he comes out of it rationally ahead of where he is now. But we come out even further ahead of where we are," he said, breaking from the opinions of Senate Republicans such as Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Ramaswamy, who said he would prioritize a trip to Moscow in his first year in office, said he would make a "hard commitment" that NATO should never admit Ukraine, provided that Putin exit Russia's military partnership with China.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Ramaswamy's position on Ukraine unsubstantial.

"Vivek is Trump’s wingman. There’s no substance to what Vivek Ramaswamy is saying on this issue," Christietold The Washington Postin August.

In apost on X(formerly Twitter), Ramaswamy responded, "Shamefully @GovChristie and the rest of the bipartisan Establishment are spouting off more nonsense about Ukraine," adding that they are trying to bring the U.S. into "potential nuclear war" against Russia.

Ramaswamyunveiled his foreign policy vision at the Nixon Presidential LibraryThursday, promoting a vision with less involvement in foreign affairs that do not directly concern the U.S. Additionally, he said he would push other nations to be "the first protectors of their own national security" and to not "mess with" the U.S. in the western Hemisphere.

China and Taiwan

Ramaswamy also appeared to put a timeline on when the U.S. would no longer intervene indeterring a potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan, the self-governing island that bipartisan lawmakers have said the U.S. should defend if Beijing invades.

In his remarks at Erick Erickson's "Gathering" in Atlanta, Georgia, last week, Ramaswamy said he would discourage China from invading Taiwan only until the U.S. achieves semiconductor independence. The U.S., through legislationsuch as the CHIPS Act, is working to bolster its chip-making technology as a national security measure.

"I think it is certainly the most important foreign policy objective for the next U.S. president: to declare economic independence from China, to deter China from going after Taiwan for so long as we rely on Taiwan for our semiconductors while avoiding war in the process," he said.

Ramaswamy has alsoadvocated for arming and training every Taiwanese household with AR-15sand suggested the National Rifle Association open a branch in the country to further deter any conflict. The NRA is currently only directly operational in the United States.

Should China decide to invade Taiwan, Ramaswamy has said he would not be willing to risk the lives of American troops to fight on Taiwan's behalf.

Israel and the Middle East

Ramaswamy set a similar expiration date on financial support for Israel, saying that while he wanted an "Abraham Accords 2.0" that would create more normalization deals between Israel and other countries, financial aid for Israel shouldn't be given indefinitely or regularly as it is now.

"I want to get Israel to the place where it is negotiated back into the infrastructure of the rest of the Middle East. We should not be worried about holding one nation or one region hostage over one particular question relating to Palestine," Ramaswamy said in an interview with actor and activist Russell Brand in early August.

Ramaswamy's discussion of a second round of Abraham Accords,a 2020 deal where Israel established normalization agreementswith multiple Middle Eastern countries, notably echoes a key foreign policy achievement of Donald Trump's administration with bipartisan support. The Biden administration has reportedly been exploring a similar normalization deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia, although officials have cautioned that any deal is a long way out.

Ramaswamy has framed the "2.0" accords as allowing Israel "to stand on its own feet" and thus needing less foreign aid from the United States.

Ramaswamy's proposal about aid to Israel has faced some pushback. Republican Jewish Coalition CEO Matt Brookswrote in a letter to Ramaswamythat "now is not the time to end an aid program that provides so much benefit to our nation, strengthens our key strategic ally Israel, and contributes to the stability of the Middle East."

Fellow GOP contender and former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley condemned Ramaswamy's stance on ending "preferential treatment from the United States, even though our relationship with Israel has advanced American interests," saying that "his foreign policies have a common theme: they make America less safe."

Ramaswamy's spokesperson Tricia McLaughlin responded to Haley's comments saying they wish her well "on her future endeavors in corporate America's boardrooms."

9/11 and the U.S. government

Ramaswamy has expressed skepticism about the U.S. government's 9/11 Commission and recounting of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2021. Though the candidate has said that this is not a core campaign issue for him,he wrotethat the government may have been misleading about foreign involvement in 9/11 and told a reporter for the Atlantic that he wanted to find "the truth" about 9/11, echoing spurious claims about the day.

"I think it is legitimate to say how many police, how many federal agents, were on the planes that hit the Twin Towers," Ramaswamytold the Atlanticin a discussion about Jan. 6, 2021.

Ramaswamy and his campaign laterclaimed his remarks were misconstruedand he was talking about federal agents on Jan. 6, 2021; in response to those claims, the Atlanticreleased a transcript and recordingof his remarks about 9/11 that show Ramaswamy was quoted accurately and in the context of a 9/11 discussion.

"We are grateful that the Atlantic released the audio after we repeatedly asked them to do so. The audio clearly demonstrates that Vivek was taken badly out of context and even this small snippet proves that," McLaughlin said in a statement to ABC News. "We continue to encourage the Atlantic to release more of the recording, rather than their carefully selected snippet, so that full context and reality is exposed."

Former Vice President Mike Pence, another candidate in the race, has called Ramaswamy's skepticism of the 9/11 Commission offensive.

"I understand he was probably in grade school on 9/11 and I was on Capitol Hill," Pence told theNew Hampshire Union Leaderin early August. "I think comments like that, conspiracy theories like that, dishonor the service and sacrifice of our armed forces who fought against our enemies determined to kill us."

Ramaswamy, who turned 38 earlier this month, was in high school on 9/11.

Ramaswamy responded to Pence's criticism in apost on X(formerly Twitter) defending his distrust and comments as part of his search for "the truth" against alleged government lies.






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