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2023-09-07 15:15 -ABC  -  364077

前特朗普顾问彼得·纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)“表现得好像他凌驾于法律之上,”检察官周三在纳瓦罗的审判中告诉陪审员,他被指控无视传票由调查1月6日国会大厦袭击事件的众议院特别委员会于2022年2月发布。




纳瓦罗的律师斯坦利·伍德沃德(Stanley Woodward)在开场白中说,他同意检察官的说法,即纳瓦罗没有提交文件或出庭作证,但他说,1月6日的委员会未能联系前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),以了解他是否对纳瓦罗的证词和文件制作主张行政特权。


在随后的证词中,1月6日委员会的前工作人员主任大卫·巴克利(David Buckley)就向纳瓦罗发出的传票作证,包括要求的文件类型和纳瓦罗被要求满足的最后期限。

PHOTO: Peter Navarro stops to speak at the U.S. District Court in Washington, Sept. 6, 2023.

前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的顾问彼得·纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)在他因拒绝与调查1月6日和20日事件的众议院委员会合作而被指控藐视国会的审判中开始辩论时停下来说话



1月6日委员会的前高级调查顾问丹尼尔·乔治(Daniel George)作证说,在他给纳瓦罗发电子邮件说错过了提交文件的最后期限三天后,纳瓦罗回信说特朗普援引了行政特权,并“建议”乔治直接与特朗普沟通。






Former Trump aide Peter Navarro 'acted as if he was above the law': Prosecutors

Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro "acted as if he was above the law," prosecutors told jurors Wednesday during Navarro's trial on charges ofdefying a subpoenaissued in February 2022 by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Navarro, who under Trump was director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, is being tried on contempt of Congress charges after he wasindicted by a grand juryin June.

In his opening remarks Wednesday, lead prosecutor John Crabb said that the subpoena Navarro received from the Jan. 6 committee was a legal requirement and not "an invitation" or "voluntary."

"Our system does not work if people believe they are above the law," Crabb said. "Congress legitimately asked for information."

Navarro's attorney, Stanley Woodward, said in his opening remarks that he agreed with prosecutors that Navarro did not submit documents or show up for testimony -- but, he said, the Jan. 6 committee failed to contact former President Donald Trump to find out if he had asserted executive privilege over Navarro's testimony and document production.

"The evidence in this case will not show that Dr. Navarro was not willful in his failure to comply," Woodward said.

In subsequent testimony, David Buckley, a former staff director for the Jan. 6 committee, testified about the subpoena that was issued to Navarro, including the type of documents that were requested and the deadlines that Navarro was asked to meet.

Buckley said the committee was seeking to question Navarro about efforts to delay Congress' certification of the election, a plan Navarro dubbed the "Green Bay Sweep" in his book, "In Trump Time."

Daniel George, a former senior investigative counsel for the Jan. 6 committee, testified that three days after he emailed Navarro about missing the deadline to submit documents, Navarro wrote back saying that Trump had invoked executive privilege, and "advised" George to communicate directly wth Trump.

Under curing cross examination from Woodward, George said that "no one at the select committee spoke to Trump about [Navarro]."

However, prosecutors argued, Navarro still "had to show up to his deposition."

"To cite the privilege, he had to do it on a question-by-question basis," Crabb said. "That was made clear to Mr. Navarro. He didn't show up."

The prosecution and defense both rested their cases Wednesday, with closing arguments scheduled to take place Thursday.

Navarro faces one count over his refusal to appear for a deposition in front of the committee, and another count for refusing to produce documents. If convicted on both counts, he could face a maximum of two years in prison and fines up to $200,000.






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