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2023-09-12 09:48 -ABC  -  534568

美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Johnson)已经签署了一项全面豁免美国制裁的协议,为国际银行允许转移约60亿美元的伊朗石油收入,以换取伊朗释放五名被拘留的美国公民铺平了道路,多名知情人士称,美国国会周一获悉了这一举动。


这60亿美元来自韩国的一个受限账户,在前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)离开伊朗核计划联合全面行动计划(JCPOA)后,美国恢复对德黑兰的制裁时,该账户实际上被冻结,并将被转移到卡塔尔,同时限制伊朗如何使用这笔资金。




PHOTO: Secretary of State Antony Blinken listens as President Joe Biden and Vietnam's Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speak to the media after a meeting at the Communist Party of Vietnam Headquarters in Hanoi, Sept. 10, 2023.


图片来源:Luong Thai Linh/POOL/AFP



US clears way for deal with Iran to free detained Americans

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has signed off on a blanket waiver of U.S. sanctions that paves the way for international banks to allow the transfer of roughly $6 billion in Iran oil revenue in exchange for Iran's release of five detained American citizens, a move Congress was informed of Monday, multiple sources familiar with the matter said.

Blinken approved the sanctions waiver last week, the sources said.

The $6 billion is coming from a restricted account in South Korea, where it was effectively frozen when the U.S. reinstated sanctions against Tehran after former President Donald Trump left the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran's nuclear program and will be transferred to Qatar with restrictions on how Iran can spend the funds.

The latest development was firstreported by the AP.

The detained U.S. citizens include Siamak Namazi, Emad Shargi and Morad Tahbaz, as well as two others who asked that their identity not be made public.

After the deal in principle was struck last month, officials anticipated that the release of the Americans would take weeks. On track with that timeline, a source advises that the Americans could be coming home as soon as next week if all continues to go to plan.

Last month, U.S. officials said they planned to ensure that the $6 billion would go toward humanitarian causes and not Iran's nuclear or weapons programs -- but it was unclear how exactly they would ensure that.

It's still unclear what guardrails will be in place, but according to one senior administration official Monday, "there are lots and lots of checks in place so they can't cheat" and "the Treasury Department will have eyes on all the transactions and has veto power."






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