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2023-10-16 10:44 -ABC  -  231149




“议员们被告知,本周的一楼投票预计将于周二下午12点左右在众议院举行,”多数党党鞭汤姆·艾默(Tom Emmer)在一份新的通知中表示。



PHOTO: Rep. Jim Jordan speaks to reporters as House Republicans hold a caucus meeting at the Longworth House Office Building on Oct. 13, 2023 in Washington, D.C.






麦卡锡说,他现在支持乔丹担任这一职务。前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在竞选议长的早期支持乔丹,这可能对他的机会有利也可能不利,取决于这如何影响更强硬和更温和的共和党议员。


House Republicans will try, again, to elect a new speaker amid gridlock after McCarthy ouster

House Republicans plan to hold a floor vote to try and pick a new speaker on Tuesday -- exactly two weeks after eight of their members joined the Democratic minorityin deposing the chamber's previous leader, Kevin McCarthy.

Since McCarthy'shistoric ouster, the House has been in unprecedented limbo,paralyzing half of Congress.

While aninterim speaker pro tempore, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., has been named, Republicans have been unable to agree on a replacement for McCarthy.

"Members are advised that the first-floor votes of the week are now expected in the House at approximately 12pm on Tuesday," states a new notice from Majority Whip Tom Emmer.

Two GOP sources told ABC News that the floor vote for speaker will be held on Tuesday.

House Majority Leader Steve Scaliseinitially won a private ballotin the Republican conference to be nominated as speakerbut abruptly withdrew his bidthe next day, amid continued opposition within the party.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, who came in second to Scalise in that closed-door vote,won a subsequent internal contestto be nominated as speaker.

"I think I can bring our team together," Jordan said to ABC News Senior Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott as he walked into a GOP candidate forum on Friday afternoon.

However, 55 House Republicans said in Friday's secret vote that they would not cast ballots for Jordan in the full floor vote for speaker and it's still unclear if he has the 217 votes he needs.

McCarthy said he now backs Jordan for the position. Former President Donald Trump endorsed Jordan early in the race for speaker, which could work both for and against his chances depending on how that influences more hard-line and more moderate Republican lawmakers.

Minority Whip Katherine Clark urged Democrats to back their party's leader in the House, Hakeem Jeffries.






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