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2023-10-27 09:53 -ABC  -  370322





























Maine shooting live updates: Manhunt back on for suspect, cops serve warrant at home

At least 18 people were killed in amass shootingin Lewiston, Maine, on Wednesday evening, Maine Gov. Janet Mills said. Thirteen others are injured.

Thesuspect, Robert Card, is still at large.

Theshooting unfolded in two locations: a bowling alley where achildren's league was taking placeand a local bar, officials said.

Witnesses recount scramble to survive

The shooting unfolded in part during youth night at a local bowling alley.Witnesses described a desperate scenewhere people hid behind benches and tables and even inside the bowling pin machine at the end of a lane.

Meghan Hutchinson, who was at the bowling alley with her daughter said, "When I turned around, I saw the shooter. ... I don't know if that was just a warning shot or if he shot somebody with that [bullet]."

"Between the lanes there's some swinging doors where they keep all the mechanical stuff out back, so we kind of all just ran that way," she said. "We barricaded in there and another parent was in the room with me. She had a phone, she called 911."

Her daughter, 10-year-old Zoey Levesque, was grazed by a bullet.

"I never thought I'd grow up and get a bullet in my leg," she said. "Like, why do people do this? I was more worried about, like, am I going to live and going to make it out of here? Like, what's going to happen? Are the cops going to come?"

Search at home tied to suspect winds down

A large number of police vehicles that had surrounded a property tied to suspect Robert Card on Thursday have departed.

The search at this location seems to have gone quiet with most of the authorities having left the scene.

A source familiar with the search in Bowdoin tells ABC News there is no expectation the suspect will be apprehended at that location tonight.

The source said this search and the dramatic accompaniments were part of standard procedure for safely carrying out a search warrant.

Police will be doing this repeatedly as they work to retrieve evidence. They say they’re being thorough by tracking down every lead.

Suspect consumed 'conspiratorial' content online, investigation finds

Information provided to law enforcement shows that Robert Card appears to have "interacted with conspiratorial content" online.

Topics he engaged with included, but were not limited to, concerns about a financial crisis/stock market, LGBTQ+ issues, gun rights and commentary about Democratic public officials, including President Joe Biden.

It remains unknown whether any of his social media usage played any role in the suspect's decision to go on his rampage Wednesday night.

Law enforcement has not determined the motive, but they are looking into several aspects of the suspect's life, including his writings and history of mental health problems.

Law enforcement surround Bowdoin home, order suspect 'come out now'

A convoy of armored police vehicles lined the road near a home in Bowdoin, around 7 p.m. ET, Thursday evening.

"Robert Card, you're under arrest. Come out now," officers yelled through a megaphone.

"Drop everything and come outside...If anyone is in the residence, walk outside and walk to the front of the driveway," they said.

Shannon Moss, a spokeswoman for the Maine State Police, said in a statement officers are conducting a search warrant.

"It is unknown whether Robert Card is in any of the homes law enforcement will search. Law enforcement officials are simply doing their due diligence by tracking down every lead in an effort to locate and apprehend Card," she said.

Suspect left suicide note in home: Sources

A note that was found inside suspect Robert Card's home earlier in the afternoon is being described as a suicide note addressed to the suspect's son, law enforcement sources with knowledge of the investigation told ABC News.

The sources said the note does not provide information that indicates a motive for the mass shooting.






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