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Donald Trump Jr .将在Trump Organization2.5亿美元欺诈案中出庭作证

2023-11-01 15:45 -ABC  -  236999

特朗普集团的2 . 5亿美元的民事欺诈审判周三,小唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr .)将成为前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的第一个子女出庭作证。

这场审判已进入第五周,主要指控是唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)及其企业欺诈性地夸大了他的净资产,以获得更好的贷款,获得保险交易,并提升他作为一名非常成功的商人的声誉。


纽约州总检察长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)最初将特朗普的三个孩子——小唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr)、埃里克·特朗普(Eric Trump)和伊万卡·特朗普——列为她的诉讼被告,声称他们“密切参与”了家族企业的运营。



这三个孩子都计划在未来一周的审判中作证,从唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr .)开始,周三可能还有埃里克·特朗普(Eric Trump)。唐纳德·特朗普目前定于周一作证,伊万卡·特朗普将于下周三担任该州的最后一名证人。

PHOTO: Donald Trump Jr., executive vice president of development and acquisitions for Trump Organization Inc., speaks at the Turning Point Action conference in West Palm Beach, Fla., July 16, 2023.

特朗普组织(Trump Organization Inc .)负责发展和收购的执行副总裁小唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr .)在2023年7月16日佛罗里达州西棕榈滩的转折点行动会议上发表讲话。






当共同被告、前特朗普集团高管艾伦·魏斯勒伯格(Allen Weisselberg)和杰弗里·麦康奈尔(Jeffrey McConney)在审判早些时候出庭作证时,两人都表示,小特朗普没有亲自参与准备他父亲的财务状况声明——这份涉嫌欺诈的文件是该州案件的基础。











Donald Trump Jr. to testify in Trump Organization's $250 million fraud trial

The Trump Organization's$250 million civil fraud trialwill become a family affair Wednesday when Donald Trump Jr. becomes the first of former President Donald Trump's children to take the witness stand.

The trial, which is in its fifth week, centers on allegations that Donald Trump and his business fraudulently inflated his net worth to get better loans, secure insurance deals and burnish his reputation as a highly successful businessman.

Trump, who has blasted the trial as being politically motivated, denies all wrongdoing and has appealed apretrial rulingthat he used fraudulent statements to do business.

New York Attorney General Letitia James initially named the three Trump children who served as Trump Organization executive vice presidents -- Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump -- as defendants in her lawsuit, alleging that they were "intimately involved" in operating the family's business.

"The public desire to inflate his net worth was well known amongst his children," James alleged in her complaint.

Ivanka Trump was subsequentlydismissed from the AG's lawsuitin June because she was no longer with the firm by 2016.

The three children are each scheduled to testify in the trial over the coming week, beginning with Donald Trump Jr. and possibly Eric Trump on Wednesday. Donald Trump is currently scheduled to testify on Monday, and Ivanka Trump will serve as the state's final witness next Wednesday.

An ardent defender of his father on the campaign trail and on social media, Trump Jr. is expected to face questions about his role managing Trump's revocable trust -- the mechanism his father used to prevent potential business conflicts while he was president.

In that capacity, Trump Jr. certified the accuracy of financial statements between 2016 and 2021, each of which is alleged by the attorney general to have been inflated.

James alleges that Trump Jr. was particularly involved in the commercial leasing of 40 Wall Street -- one of the properties that Judge Arthur Engoron has already decided was overvalued in Trump's financial statements by more than $300 million.

Trump Jr. could also face questions about why financial statements allegedly inflated the value of rent-stabilized units in the Trump Park Avenue building by 700%, ignoring the fixed rent of the units' low-income residents. According to James, Trump Jr. remarked that the rent-stabilized tenants in Trump's Park Avenue Building were "the bane of [his] existence for quite some time."

When co-defendants and former Trump Organization executives Allen Weisselberg and Jeffrey McConney took the stand earlier in the trial, both said that Trump Jr. was not personally involved in the preparation of his father's statement of financial condition -- the allegedly fraudulent document that underpins the state's case.

"There was never a material misrepresentation made by Eric Trump or Donald Trump Jr," their lawyer Clifford Robert said during his opening statement.

However, Weisselberg also testified that Trump Jr. and his siblings became more involved in running the Trump Organization once their father became president in 2016, and that they received documents showing the internal finances of the company.

"They wanted to get up to speed on how the business was running," Weisselberg testified.

Emails from Trump Jr. have been included in evidence presented during the trial, including a 2017 email chain from the Trump Organization's general counsel about the value of Trump's triplex apartment in Trump Tower.

The forwarded email included a list of issues raised by a Forbes magazine reporter about Trump's financial claims, including Trump's claim that his penthouse was three times larger than its actual size of 10,996 square feet.

"Insane amount of stuff there," Trump Jr. replied to the email.

Despite the error being called out, Trump Jr. and Weissberg still signed off on Trump's 2016 financial statement that falsely claimed Trump's triplex was 30,000 square feet and worth $327 million.

Ahead of his testimony, Trump Jr. has criticized the trial as a "sham" being held in a "kangaroo court."

"It doesn't matter what general practices and business will be. It doesn't matter," Trump Jr. said in a Monday interview with Newsmax.

"They have a narrative, they have an end goal, and they'll do whatever it takes to get there," he said, referring to the New York attorney general's office.






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