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2023-11-09 10:38 -ABC  -  206111







德桑蒂斯表示,他将通过摧毁总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的经济战略(白宫称之为“拜登经济学”)来给家庭喘息的空间,并表示他将“收回所有行政命令和法规,一切与‘拜登经济学’有关的东西,我要把它撕碎,在第一天扔进垃圾桶。”


PHOTO: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Former Gov. of New Jersey Chris Christie, and Senator from South Carolina Tim Scott attend the third Republican presidential primary debate in Miami, November 8, 2023.











德桑蒂斯的办公室告诉《信使报》,它从Select Florida的网站上删除了一些项目,这些项目是“州长废除的一个组织的网站上的过时信息,因此它得到了相应的更新。”











Republican debate live updates: Haley calls Ramaswamy 'scum' as candidates spar on foreign policy

The third Republican debate of the 2024 presidential primarybegan Wednesday at 8 p.m. Eastern in Miami.

Five candidates are on stage: former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott.

Missing -- again -- is front-runner Donald Trump,who is instead hosting a rallynot far away, in Hialeah, Florida.

ABC News and the analysts at 538 is live-blogging every major moment and highlight from the debate, which is airing on NBC. PolitiFact will be making real-time fact checks of key statements.

Slamming 'Bidenomics,' the GOP field tackles increased cost of living

NBC News moderator Lester Holt asked candidates how they'd alleviate high prices for Americans in the first days of their adminstration.

DeSantis said he'd give families breathing room by gutting President Joe Biden's economic strategy, which the White House calls "Bidenomics," stating that he'd "take all the executive orders the regulations, everything to do with 'Bidenomics,' I'm going to rip it up, throw it in the trash can on day one where it belongs."

Ramaswamy, too, slammed "Bidenomics" as a "lie" before pointing to his own business career as proof he can take on the job: "It will take a CEO in the White House with zero-base budgeting to get the job done."

Scott and Christie took a different approach, arguing energy independence is key to reducing prices.

Haley, asked specifically about rural Americans suffering under inflation, pitched cutting taxes on the middle class and reigning in federal spending.

Fact-checking the back-and-forth between DeSantis and Haley on China

In campaign ads and on the trail, the DeSantis campaign has been attacking Haleyfor recruiting a Chinese fiberglass company to South Carolinawhile she was governor.

On stage, Haley turned the table on DeSantis.

“Ron, you are the chair of your economic development agency that, as of last week, said Florida is the ideal place for Chinese businesses,” Haley said.

“I abolished that agency that she's talking about,” DeSantis responded.

Haley is pointing to the web page of Select Florida, Florida’s economic development entity. The website talked extensively about business opportunities in China, according to The Messenger. It included a quote from a 2020 report that discussed “positioning Florida as an ideal business destination for Chinese companies.” The references were removed from the website last week.

DeSantis’ office told The Messenger it removed some items from Select Florida's website that were "outdated information on a website for an organization that the governor abolished, so it was updated accordingly."

Something must be done about TikTok, candidates say

The candidates took on TikTok, arguing that the enormously popular if controversial social media app should be banned in the U.S.

Trump "talked tough about TikTok, I heard him do it many times, but when it came down to it, he did not ban them when he could have and should have," Christie said. "In my first week as president, we would ban TikTok."

"I think that China's the top threat we face. They've been very effective at infiltrating different parts of our society," Desantis, the father of three young kids, said. "These kids get these devices, and they have a mind of their own."

Ramaswamy, who has waffled on TikTok usage, targeted Haley's daughter's use of the app, drawing some boos, which he played down as coming from Haley supporters.

"We have to ban any U.S. company actually transferring U.S. data to the Chinese," Ramaswamy added. "Even U.S. companies in Silicon Valley are doing it."

"What we should do is ban TikTok, period," Scott said.

TikTok bans are popular, but not among young voters

As538’s Cooper Burton wrote a few months ago, TikTok bans are popular among roughly half of Americans. But one group that is strongly opposed is young Americans, which Republicans have historically struggled with.

-Analysis by Nathaniel Rakich of 538






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